Author Topic: Asymmetrical Warfare and 4GW: How Militia Groups are America's Domestic VietCong  (Read 704 times)

Offline patriotman

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Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.

Psalm 144:1-2

Offline Erick

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As a lifetime student of the profession of Arms I concur with the linked assessment.
Every day, men who will follow orders to kill you, exercise. Do you?

Offline CJS06

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Very good article.  Thanks Patriotman!!


Offline Nemo

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First review tells me it takes a while to read.  More to understand.  Well worth both.

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline JoJo

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 A lot to understand but worth while to doing so.
 Great article Thank You.
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.

Offline patriotman

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Glad everyone liked it! I remember reading it in November but it is making the rounds again.
Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.

Psalm 144:1-2

Offline Erick

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I cross posted it. this is the kind of content that needs spreading..
Every day, men who will follow orders to kill you, exercise. Do you?

Offline Kbop

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add psyops to the mix and I think that hit the nail on the head.  good article!
thanks for posting that.

Offline JohnyMac

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I read this article several days ago as a re-post on Zero Hedge. If you want to learn more about 4GW read the book, 4th Generation Warfare Handbook by William S. Lind and Gregory A. Thiele. A good read.

Currently, I am in a discussion on another site about 4GW right now. One of the participants is NCSout of Brushbeater fame. He is of the belief that for the militia to use conventional warfare methods against conventional trained folks is a disaster. The Patriot or Redneck Guerilla force needs to focus on non-conventional means to defeat the enemy.

John Mosby in his article MountainGuerrilla: Auxilliary Functions within Tribal Structure speaks to the fact that the auxiliary will be equal or more important than the ground pounders.

All good stuff folks.  :bravo:


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Offline patriotman

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I read this article several days ago as a re-post on Zero Hedge. If you want to learn more about 4GW read the book, 4th Generation Warfare Handbook by William S. Lind and Gregory A. Thiele. A good read.

Currently, I am in a discussion on another site about 4GW right now. One of the participants is NCSout of Brushbeater fame. He is of the belief that for the militia to use conventional warfare methods against conventional trained folks is a disaster. The Patriot or Redneck Guerilla force needs to focus on non-conventional means to defeat the enemy.

John Mosby in his article MountainGuerrilla: Auxilliary Functions within Tribal Structure speaks to the fact that the auxiliary will be equal or more important than the ground pounders.

All good stuff folks.  :bravo:

As I have said elsewhere, I agree that many "prepper" types are thinking too much in terms of conventional forces. They think that if they read the Ranger handbook they are good, except that they don't have the logistics and Medevac capabilities behind them (just to cite two examples). While the Ranger handbook and other FMs like it are good for some things, I fear they get people locked into a conventional force mentality when we are very far from that.

I also read that Mosby article, and it opened my eyes into the possible roles that I and others can play. We are going to need so many more people in the auxiliary than we realize, and it is nice knowing that people are ready for that role.
Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.

Psalm 144:1-2


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A good read.

Offline zanedclark

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I've not read the whole 5 page article yet, but William Lind explains 4th Gen.


Offline zanedclark

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Just finished the article.  It's worth the read.



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Of Minor interest on this one.

This was the type of threat we trained to address in the drug war years. At least this is the threat we faced during operations in Panama in the years after the invasion. This type of threat is really hard to fight.

Unfortunately we were only one infantry brigade stationed in Panama so the lessons we learned on the ground in those years did not get carried forward to the War On Terror.



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An insurgent force is very hard to counter with conventional means.

The core to planing is a good cell structure.

Another important factor is that insurgents need to be friends to the populace as opposed to the government being the oppressors.

A good insurgency provides support to the populace. Thus forcing the government to be the bad guy.

We were lucky in Panama. We were on the streets after the invasion keeping the peace an stopping crime for three years all day and all night. This created a positive bond with the populace that payed off.