We started out last nights Bible Study group at our local Baptist church with a prayer for all of the folks in Texas. Then we had a great discussion about what was going through the shooters mind and heart during his evil deed.
In essence it boiled down to the pain in this man's heart which manifested out as anger which succumbed to evil.
Of course this discussion lead us to the Lancaster drama that happened several years ago in the Lancaster Pennsylvania area. As the tale goes, the shooter took out all of the kids in an Amish one room schoolhouse. After the drama the Amish community gathered around the shooters parents and helped them through the forgiveness process.
As the Texas drama plays out, I ask the forum members to not get involved in the blame game. Instead focus your pain to thinking good thoughts and prayers to the dead, survivors, and relatives of this small town. Take a moment to hug each of your family. Call a friend or family member who you have not spoken to in awhile to let them know that you are there for them if the need ever arises.
Stay away from the negative rhetoric that is flying from all points of the political spectrum. Instead help out someone whom you do not know. Start with holding or opening a door for a stranger. Letting someone ahead of you if you are in queue puts a smile on everyone's face.
Stay safe or as some say, "stay frosty".