The South will rise again!
Does kind of make you think though. I grew up about 35 minutes outside of downtown Chicago and all my family is Pennsylvania. Granted, my time in Chicago was pre-Barry. After nearly two decades of being around real southerners and taking in the history and culture I have to say I think it's a good thing these states are the way they are. Holding true to states rights and holding a 148 year grudge has its benefits. Take Pennsylvania for example. I love the state, but hate the state government. It's fallen completely in line with the feds. I scoff when we cross the border and read "State of Independence." Yet they have the worst home school laws in the union. [img] While I certainly don't want civil war it's about damn time some serious change happens. Darkness hath no place with light.
There's an old saying: "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and you call it a duck, it's probably a duck."
You could say: "If people think there's going to be a war, talk like there's going to be a war, buy crap tons of weapons like there's going to be a war, then there might be a war." Perception has a lot of influence.
In my opinion, the South DID rise. It fully recovered from the physical damage of the war, has fabulous industry and to many, is the more desirable place to live in the US.