I agree with your comment Skippy. As I read the article I started to think...
I have screwed up. I have been so focused on the past election, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, etc that I have taken my eye off the "prepping ball." If you take a moment to put your Tin Foil Hat on - Maybe that is what "they" wanted me to do. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Has our government been compromised? Yes! Can I do something to fix it? No. At lease not for 20 months or so. Then we vote out the bums for a new group of bums.
We all know that there is going to be a collapse. The left & right want it to happen. We all know that there is going to be a civil war of sorts. It might be as bad as the civil war that happened 150 years ago or as simple as local civil disobedience actions.
The actual battles in the earlier civil war were terrible; however the 20 years that followed were horrendous. Unlawfulness, famine, inflation, etc. which all slowed the USA's growth.
I could only imagine the carnage of today if that was going to happen again. Remember, in 1860 we were a agriculture driven culture. Now, people have a hard time growing poison ivy. It takes on the average, 1,000 sq feet per person to grow enough vegetables to sustain one person for one year. And you need more than vegetables to sustain life like protein and clean water.
Then on the other side of the spectrum is civil disobedience. In my opinion civil disobedience is: You drop out of the system. You grow your own food. The only taxes you pay are sales tax if your state has that and property tax. You do not keep your money in a bank. Invest your money into your house and property, e.g. tractor, solar panels and appropriate accessories, etcetera. If you need to send a check you go to the Post Office and get a check. You do not have a credit card. If you have a phone it is a track phone. You do not have the internet at your house. If you use the internet use the one in the towns library. I also believe that you can access the internet through the ham network. I will have to look into that. There will be doctors who opt out of healthcare. They will sell their version of insurance where you pay a retainer each year similar to what many lawyers do now. You ignore the governments mandates like gun registration or confiscation. Well my wife and I are debating taking this option.
We think all out civil war is not the answer. Opting out is.
Just think what would happen if just 10% of the population opted out. The government would not collapse but they would take notice. What would happen if 25% of tax payers opted out? What if these 25% of tax payers started their own party to challenge the Democrats and Republicans?
Well just some thoughts, comments and opinions from old JohnyMac.