Author Topic: 2022 - The Global Economy Is The New Global Covid-19 Drama  (Read 580 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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2022 - The Global Economy Is The New Global Covid-19 Drama
« on: January 03, 2022, 11:16:09 AM »
Okay folks, the Covid-19 drama is loosing ground both medically as well as propaganda wise. What will replace it in 2022, to keep the Build, Back, Better ala The Great Reset juggernaut rolling ahead? I suspect it will circle around the economy - Local and global.

First, keep an eye towards our neighbors and allies in Europe. With electric rates up 6x over 2020/21 winter, US banks not willing to loan money to Deutsche Bank (DB), relo or long tern loans, and food shortages, I suspect the EU economy will collapse this year. They are the canary in the coal mine for the US and China. This is all taking place in the EU orchestrated by Klaus Schwab and his Davos group to push through their version of the Build, Back, Better agenda.

With covid now working its way off the front page of your local rag or favorite MSM TV station, the drama will be switched to our economy. In a short article titled, Food Shortage - It Is Not Just The USA I posted last year, the Globe is facing some nasty times ahead. Food and supply shortages are already here in at least my corner of America. As stated in the comments section of the article, I am seeing shortages in my local grocery store at about 20%. What will happen when it hits 50%?

A short article worth your time to read which brings this all home titled, "War Game': 10 Countries Simulate Cyber ​​Attacks on Global Financial Markets to Test Resilience is well worth your time. Remember in October of 2019 when the same group "war gamed" on a global pandemic?

Covid-19 has served its purpose of hopefully triggering the adoption of The Great Reset. It came close but as of this date, no cigar. Now the focus of the elites will be the economy and they will cause the inevitable global collapse through the tools of inflation, shortages, and the final straw will be food shortages.

I know I sound like a really bad Liberty Insurance commercial however...How are you doing on your 3-B's? How are you doing on spreading the message to your family and friends of what is coming? Are you getting right with the good Lord? Are you gearing up your gardening plan for this spring & summer? Do not wait to buy heirloom seeds till this spring. I bet that as others see the writing on the wall, they will be buying up what they can not unlike the run on toilet paper in the spring of 2020.

Are you expanding your 3-B's so when the normalcy bias family and friends show up at your door looking for shelter and supplies? What is your plan for feeding your pets and farm animals? Are you teaming up with friends, neighbors, and family to form MAG's (Mutual Assistance Group's) to plan for 2022 through 2025?

The list is long and the time is short.

73 & God Bless folks.


« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 11:23:59 AM by JohnyMac »
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Offline Jackalope

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Re: 2022 - The Global Economy Is The New Global Covid-19 Drama
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2022, 01:11:59 PM »
  Good points, Johny.  Fortunately, we have a good, active MAG.  Feeding animals is always a priority, but we're stocking up on extra feed, though the poultry free ranges.  Our four-legged security contractors work for food, and they'll eat what we eat.  Heirloom seeds have already been purchased and delivered.

  In order to avoid folks showing up at our door, we're in the process of installing fences, and a driveway gate. Our security contractors will alert us to any visitors at the gate, plus we have other surveillance and perimeter alarms, both passive and active.  If things get really sporty, we can take our perimeter protection up another notch or two.  We'll also have additional manpower here this year, which will help, but it also entails providing more food.

   Economically, we've seen both our natural gas and electric monthly bills increase substantially, on the order of 40-60%.  Ouch!  Neighbors have also seen a similar increase in their utility bills.  Folks better get ready for a barter economy.  I see that Sri Lanka is paying off a debt to Iran using $5,000,000 in tea products as a monthly payment, they just don't have the cash:
      " In an usual approach, government minister Ramesh Pathirana said they hoped to settle their past oil debts with Iran by paying them with tea, sending them $5m worth of tea every month in order to save ? much needed currency?. "   I can vouch the reports are accurate, as family members there have related the drastic increases in food prices, and bare shelves in the grocery stores.  I've tried to teach them to store food, but they haven't been paying attention.  Now they do.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: 2022 - The Global Economy Is The New Global Covid-19 Drama
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2022, 01:24:24 PM »
Jackalope wrote, I've tried to teach them to store food, but they haven't been paying attention.  Now they do.

Yeah, I chuckled when I read that one. Same here too.
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: 2022 - The Global Economy Is The New Global Covid-19 Drama
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2022, 05:08:24 AM »
I get frustrated with the people I encourage to prep. They just seem to stick there face back into their cell phones and go right back to being Cell Phone Zombies. I see a comment here and there on Facebook about how some items are either scarce or over priced. Well, Gee, there's no surprise here. I told them what was coming but I guess their damn cell phone was more important. :faint:

Offline Jackalope

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Re: 2022 - The Global Economy Is The New Global Covid-19 Drama
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2022, 10:40:41 AM »
Cell phone zombie is an apt description.  Lol, while visiting Sri Lanka, I would occasionally see people with two or more cellphones.  They would actually be talking on multiple cell phones at one time.  Over there, having multiple cellphones supposedly indicates that you are "important". They had zero situational awareness.

While shopping at Walmarts or Lowes, I often see store employees busy with their cellphones rather than actually working.  I think I've mentioned on here, a friend that's a professor in Nashville has expressed his frustration with students, because they're focused on their cell phones, rather than learning.  He sees cell phones as the biggest obstacle in our educational system.  Sorry for the thread drift...

Offline Felix

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Re: 2022 - The Global Economy Is The New Global Covid-19 Drama
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2022, 05:23:57 PM »

... As stated in the comments section of the article, I am seeing shortages in my local grocery store at about 20%. What will happen when it hits 50%?

Funny to see percentage estimates...   yesterday, I could honestly say the Safeway shelves were upwards of 10% deficient.   And no sign of panic or cart-filling.     B
But the % number at which toilet-paper panic sets in, locally, who know.   We had a spate of nasty weather and some of the supply trucks coming might have been delayed but I doubt it - seen worse weather with no blank spots on shelving.
Damn sure I'll pay attention in coming forays into town, see if  trend is actually here.