Last night Jackalope and I were trading emails mostly about ham radio stuff when I started whining about the cold here at the redoubt. The numbers are in the negative digits and I have to get up ~ 0300 hrs each morning to feed the wood stove. Whine, whine whine.
I went on to complain that it is tough working on my 160 meter project when the temp is 3 degrees, snowing, and a stiff breeze is coming through in the 8-12 mph range.
Then Jackalope writes that yesterday morning it was -23 degrees and he has several feet of the white stuff on the ground with more lake affect snow coming along daily. Our lake affect snow is only around an inch a day not measured in feet.
Perspective JohnyMac.
MrsMac reminds me daily this time of the year that we use to live on our sailboat in Florida and now we live in the frigid north where she wears long johns just to go to the store instead of a pair of shorts, flip flops, anda Joe Jackson T-Shirt. Brrrrrr.
Yeah well when she brings up our current life I bring up her/our life on our sailboat Mad Max.
Making long passages across busy shipping lanes in the fog, the nauseous feeling when the wind pipes up over 30 knots and the seas are in the 6-8 feet rage. Not to mention being boarded by M16, pimply 18-year old Federales on your vessel in 30 knot winds, with 6-8 foot seas.
Anyhow, on the eve of the new year - 2018, when the temp in our neck of the woods now reads -3 degrees, MrsMac and I wish you all a healthy & profitable 2018.
And remember, if you think you have it bad the guy down the street may have it worse.
Perspective folks!
God Bless!