Author Topic: 2014 Predictions  (Read 1395 times)

Offline crudos

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2014 Predictions
« on: January 01, 2014, 11:00:03 AM »
Predictions for 2014:

- Where do you see prepping going in 2014?

- What geo-political events do you see happening that could affect life as we know it?

- What societal-upheavals will occur to bring about collapse of life as we know it?


I'll go first. Prepping will continue by all sorts of people, but see less media spotlight on what we do. But there will also be more groups trying to exploit prepping from a economical and political standpoint for their own nefarious gains.

Expect the usual flare-ups in the Middle East that will continue to push the price of gasoline up. Some of these will be manufactured. I expect more violence in Russia based on the recent bombings, which could possibly spread into the rest of Europe.

The mid-term elections could spur some out of the ordinary events happening in the United States. Maybe the rise of genuine grassroots third party, will finally resonate with our citizenry.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 08:29:18 AM by crudos »

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Re: 2014 Predictions
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2014, 05:24:16 AM »
Same old shit :deadHorse:
Any station this is net, any station this is net. Monster One Alpha Radio check over.

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: 2014 Predictions
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2014, 11:51:02 AM »
- Where do you see prepping going in 2014? - more mainstream. I think more people are getting concerned and as crazy as the folks on shows like Doomsday Preppers are they have opened up a dialog about what prepping is.  Also, Nat Geo, History Channel, and such don't air these programs to for fun.  There are lots of people watching all the doomsday shows, so there are people interested in it. 

- What geo-political events do you see happening that could affect life as we know it? - I think peak oil may take a few more years to really hit us where it hurts, so I think oil will actually get cheaper this coming year (more US production, more reserves released, etc. that are all short term fixes).  Mid-east tension is going to continue, but again I don't think this makes a big impact on us here in the States.  Terrorism may hit our shores again, but most likely it'll stay overseas as the chaos over there is an attention draw for people who might otherwise look to our shores.  The "economy" is going to be fairly stable even with QE going away.  As always, the stock market won't reflect the reality for those of us "on the ground", but I don't think there will be a huge collapse or anything like that.  Climate change is accelerating, and that will affect us, but again the speed shouldn't make a huge difference in the next 12 months.  Iran & North Korea will keep saber rattling, but they won't actually do anything.  They both have too much to lose.  Generally I think next year will be fairly quiet with the real issues to come probably five years or more down the road when the short term bandages start coming off.

- What societal-upheavals will occur to bring about collapse of life as we know it? - I don't think there will be any in the next year unless an outside force (such as a Carrington event) hits us. 
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: 2014 Predictions
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2014, 02:34:46 PM »
- Where do you see prepping going in 2014?
I am amazed by how many new people around me are starting to prep. They may not embrace my constitutional conservative leaning's; however they are putting food and commodities away when they can afford to. I think that prepping (not survivalist activities) will grow and become vogue in even progressive and liberal circles. People know in their hearts that the party is coming to an end.   

- What [G]eo-political events do you see happening that could affect life as we know it?
As long as the Fed continues to print money ($75B a month now- down from $85B a month in '13) and sell it to the USofA, the can will continually be kicked down the road - Unfortunately. This printing of money will continue to shore up the stock market and allow the existing parties to buy votes while making the eventual collapse greater.

The trillion dollar question is: Will the current politicians start a war, not unlike what Germany did in 1939, to try and bail out our current financial situation.

Bottom-line, if the USofA shits the bed financially, the whole global financial world will follow suit and a new "dark ages" will begin. In theory, then the globalists will swoop in to try and save the day.

2014 will be a great year for politics. My prediction is it will be like riding a bull at a rodeo.

- What societal-upheavals will occur to bring about collapse of life as we know it?
End of unemployment insurance payments for millions of Americans. The decline of people buying homes which means people will not be able to sell their home. A decline of durable good production (Don't forget to subtract out Boeing's production). Unemployment (U6) rate climbing. A continuing effort from progressives to promote racism between the races and poor against rich. Affordable Care Act. Continuing Executive Branch scandals - Trust me...There will be a John Dean at one point or another. Those are a few things I predict coming to a head like a festering pimple on a teenagers forehead this year. 

I would like to add this little tidbit to my comments above - Retail Traffic Plunges 21% over 2012 in the last week of Christmas shopping.
Zero Hedge reports:
However, while the early start to shopping season has missed expectations, driven primarily by an unprecedented weakness in traditional bricks and mortar outlets, there was some hope that the last stretch into Christmas and the New Year would provide a much needed, last minute bump. Those hopes were dashed last night when Shopptertrack reported that retail traffic plummeted by an unprecedented 21% last week, and in-store sales decreased 3.1% from the year before, dashing retailers' hopes that the final stretch before Christmas would offset soft sales numbers earlier in the holiday shopping season.

With the shrinking of the middle class, I predict bad things to come.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 12:45:43 PM by JohnyMac »
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Re: 2014 Predictions
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2014, 12:07:34 PM »
I ran across this YT video today. Is was with Gerald Celente who was famous for predicting 4-5 years ago, "you need the three 'G's' - Gold, Guns and Get-out plan."
Gerald Celente's 2014 Predictions War, Financial Crisis in Q2 & Gold Prices Going Up

It's 29 minutes long but to summarize.

There will be a large financial correction if there is not a war like:
As the Fed slows down QEing loan rates will go up
If loan rates goes up the stock market will go down
If the stock market goes down the fed will figure out another way to print money, but
This will only happen if there is not a war.

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Re: 2014 Predictions
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2014, 03:49:02 PM »
Probably nothing much until Obama is kicked out of office in 2016.