Well done Erick and Max!
Some impressions, comments and suggestions from the two vids and my own experience.
> The training facility has come a long way. Congratulations to Max, his team and the students who helped him get to where it is today
> All of the training I have one has been on a square range. If you want to move to the next level then it is time to try
Max Velocity Training.
> I think the
Max Velocity Challenge concept is GREAT! It is challenging yet achievable.
> MVT offers a great curriculum for an infantryman. Some classes are: TCCC (TC3), Firearm manipulation, patrol, night patrol (With
NVG's), navigation, etc.
> All exercises depict real life situations. Yet safety is paramount.
> All of the trainers are EXCELLENT!
> If you can swing it, do each of the training's with your redoubt team. If you can't, at least go with a team member or good friend.
IMO, the training is a waste if you do not do it with at least a friend/buddy.*
> IMO, the training is reasonably priced and after seeing some of the great changes to the 100+ acre facility, as mentioned earlier, "The
training facility has come a long way".
If you can swing it GO!
* As reported in a past
review, I attended the
TC3 class and Combat Rifle Manipulation (Now Titled
Rifle Skillsclass) classes. I did it by myself and although I learned a "shit-ton" it would have been more valuable if I had done it with a like minded and motivated friend. Why you ask ... Because Practice makes perfect!
The skills you learn at MVT you need to practice and practice with your like minded motivated partner . As Vince Lombardi once said, "Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect."