Author Topic: 12G 00B  (Read 1224 times)

Offline Kentactic

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12G 00B
« on: January 03, 2012, 08:24:38 PM »
Im looking around and found a pretty good price on a couple options... im personally going to pattern a box of the fiocchi nickel plated high velocity this weekend and if i like it im going to order a shitload. The Fiocchi comes out to .51 a round if you buy 250 rounds. please god let this shit pattern well in my 870.... also it seems the LEO shit comes with 12 pellets of 00B...thats usually what comes in a 3'' shell in my experience... not saying good or bad but just saying.
Law enforcement 00B
Fiocchi 00B
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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2012, 08:35:03 PM »
that law enforcement buck is a little longer than 2 3/4.
It kicks like a mule out of a field barrel. I only have 10 rounds of it left and i'm saving it for a OH SHIT moment.
I'm pretty sure it would fuck my shoulder up out of my 20 inch barrel. I'm pretty beefy too and lift weights all the time.
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Offline Kentactic

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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2012, 08:48:06 PM »
that law enforcement buck is a little longer than 2 3/4.
It kicks like a mule out of a field barrel. I only have 10 rounds of it left and i'm saving it for a OH SHIT moment.
I'm pretty sure it would fuck my shoulder up out of my 20 inch barrel. I'm pretty beefy too and lift weights all the time.

good to know thanks for commenting  [URL=
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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2012, 08:53:05 PM »
I stock 00buck but only if #4 is unavalabile.

the way I figure it. The more chances to leave holes even if they are a little bit smaller the better....

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Offline sledge

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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2012, 09:01:40 PM »
I've got an aluminum shotty which kicks the crap out of you no matter what you shoot out of it.  I tried some of the low recoil Fiocchi 9 pellet 00 (1150 FPS) and was tickled to death with it.  So I put a case (500) in back stock. I think the brand must be alright. 
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 09:06:25 PM by sledge »

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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2012, 09:09:47 PM »

I think there are 15  pellets in a 12ga 3" magnum, 12 pellets in a 2 3/4" express magnum and 9 pellets in a 2 3/4"
15- .33 cal balls is no joke..... I like and run Federal
ETA: I attended a shotgun course a few years ago, they recommended #1 buckshot as the load of choice. (16- .30 cal pellets) They claim it out performs OO and #4
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 09:31:52 PM by Hondokov »


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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2012, 09:14:25 PM »
i use estate from cabelas, i havent checked the price lately (i got 250rds for 160 i believe)  but i swear by the stuff i love it! im in my A zone (inside head) until 10 yds and B zone (torso) out to 25-30. it holds a nice tight pattern, the federal i think LEO stuff (blue shell or box?) had HUGE patterns at Front Sight from the folks that where using it.

buy a few boxes of a few different rounds, and go do some testing.

Offline Kentactic

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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2012, 09:16:24 PM »
I stock 00buck but only if #4 is unavalabile.

the way I figure it. The more chances to leave holes even if they are a little bit smaller the better....


I prefer 00B Because theres less projectiles to be responsible for.

 as far as the "weapons" section goes it didnt seem to fit: "Rifles, handguns, hand to hand, melee weapons, and general fighting discussions."

i was thinking "Gear review" but then i said fuck it and went with "General discussion" because im not really reviewing anything.
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Offline Kentactic

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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2012, 09:19:57 PM »
i use estate from cabelas, i havent checked the price lately (i got 250rds for 160 i believe)  but i swear by the stuff i love it! im in my A zone (inside head) until 10 yds and B zone (torso) out to 25-30. it holds a nice tight pattern, the federal i think LEO stuff (blue shell or box?) had HUGE patterns at Front Sight from the folks that where using it.

buy a few boxes of a few different rounds, and go do some testing.

yeah i was using the winchester 00B from walmart based souly on price. but that stuffs barely keeping all the pellets in the torso at 25 yards some times with flyers missing. im hoping the nickel plated pellets will tighten up the patterns due to less diforming upon acceleration. i cant see how they could be any worse. and they are even cheaper then the winchester stuff at walmart so we shall see.
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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2012, 09:22:23 PM »
i use estate from cabelas, i havent checked the price lately (i got 250rds for 160 i believe)  but i swear by the stuff i love it! im in my A zone (inside head) until 10 yds and B zone (torso) out to 25-30. it holds a nice tight pattern, the federal i think LEO stuff (blue shell or box?) had HUGE patterns at Front Sight from the folks that where using it.

buy a few boxes of a few different rounds, and go do some testing.

yeah i was using the winchester 00B from walmart based souly on price. but that stuffs barely keeping all the pellets in the torso at 25 yards some times with flyers missing. im hoping the nickel plated pellets will tighten up the patterns due to less diforming upon acceleration. i cant see how they could be any worse. and they are even cheaper then the winchester stuff at walmart so we shall see.

well lead will keep a tighter pattern vs steel because of the deformation so the individual pellets do less ricocheting off each other.

and the estate is made in the USA! says so on each shell!

Offline Kentactic

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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2012, 09:27:37 PM »
i use estate from cabelas, i havent checked the price lately (i got 250rds for 160 i believe)  but i swear by the stuff i love it! im in my A zone (inside head) until 10 yds and B zone (torso) out to 25-30. it holds a nice tight pattern, the federal i think LEO stuff (blue shell or box?) had HUGE patterns at Front Sight from the folks that where using it.

buy a few boxes of a few different rounds, and go do some testing.

yeah i was using the winchester 00B from walmart based souly on price. but that stuffs barely keeping all the pellets in the torso at 25 yards some times with flyers missing. im hoping the nickel plated pellets will tighten up the patterns due to less diforming upon acceleration. i cant see how they could be any worse. and they are even cheaper then the winchester stuff at walmart so we shall see.

well lead will keep a tighter pattern vs steel because of the deformation so the individual pellets do less ricocheting off each other.

and the estate is made in the USA! says so on each shell!

actually a plated lead pellet be it copper or nickel plated will usually keep a tighter pattern then plain lead because when fired the soft lead gets flat spots and dosent fly so straight. and i dont think shooting steel buck shot would be a great idea because it will lose velocity much faster and pack a weaker punch due to it being 30% lighter per volume then lead. also that loss in velocity may make groups open up more.

when you get that bouncing your reffering to its usually with a choke. the choke tries to bring the pellets in too fast and they are on the rebound as they exit the muzzle. this can happen with any type of shot.
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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2012, 09:28:56 PM »
good points, my only experience with steel shot is bird shot, i havent even heard of steel buck shot

Offline Kentactic

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Re: 12G 00B
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2012, 09:32:31 PM »
good points, my only experience with steel shot is bird shot, i havent even heard of steel buck shot

yeah i would imagine the only time guys will use steel buck shot is when they are hunting in a lead free zone and need a buck shot load for what ever game they are hunting. you know like in shitholes like our state in some locations... lol
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 09:36:16 PM by Kentactic »
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