After watching President Biden's State of The Union Speech, where he said repeatedly, that government will make the jobs of the future, that we cannot have democracy as a form of government as it is today, and we have to move fast, I am 100% convinced that The Great Reset is happening just below the noise. Happening just below the noise to be there when Biden's puppeteers collapse the American economy. As the economy crashes, The Great Reset will be there not unlike a safety net.
The roadmap was laid out last night.
1) If you are not with the new program as outlined by Biden, you are a White Supremist,
2) We must move quickly,
3) If the current American form of democracy does not work, it will have to change, and
4) We are here from the government and are here to help.
Now let us look at today, 522-days away from the November 1, 2022 election.
1a) Bottom-line, based on many of your position on going down The Great Reset road, we are white supremist. That is
whether you are white, black, brown, yellow, etc. Just look how the press is treating Sen. Tim Scott after his rebuttal to
Biden's speech.
2a) Yes, Biden's puppeteers need to move quickly to take down the economy and to have us all saved by The Great Reset
as the November mid-term elections are only 522-days away.
3a) If the US Congress and the SCOTUS does not get in line quickly, look out for the filibuster ending, packing the SCOTUS,
and online media magazines like
UnchainedPreppers, will go away.
4a) The new Fascist government will give you a job, provide healthcare, free preschool, free community college, control all
elections (H.R. 1), instead of locally managed police federally controlled police, gun control, censorship of the media,