Author Topic: "Evil" sports in school: NO FUNDING  (Read 626 times)


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"Evil" sports in school: NO FUNDING
« on: March 10, 2013, 11:10:48 PM »
My niece is involved in the archery team in her school.  Guess what?  Zero funding.  The football, baseball, tennis, swim team, etc gets funding; but the archery team is permitted only if they fundraise for their own $$.  Disgusting.  I guess archery is too "violent" to deserve funding.  As a proud Uncle, I am glad to say that my niece shot at the world finals last year and is on track to do the same this year.  She is a renaissance teen (13), been horseback riding since she was 7, and can shoot a 280-plus on a normal basis.

Put your frustrations or similar stories on this thread. 


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Re: "Evil" sports in school: NO FUNDING
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 11:24:46 PM »
Its hypocrisy man, this is a story that my dad told me when he was is JROTC in high school during the 70s, at first they were getting funded for everything until a couple weeks after the program started it was DROPPED and funding was sent directly to the football team and this made my dad mad hell made me mad and they have not brought back JROTC since then, I would've liked to join but I can't. Pisses me off and my dad, just thought I share that story.


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Re: "Evil" sports in school: NO FUNDING
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2013, 12:29:01 PM »
I had a long rant but it had no fluidity whatsoever so fuck it. If I'm paying for your kids education it should be just that, an education. I shouldn't be paying for your kid to chase a fucking ball around while playing grab ass with a bunch of other guys (Thank God I don't live in Texas). Better yet get the state out of education entirely.

  In high school my shop teacher said he wanted to start an archery club. It had to be entirely funded by him the other teacher and those who joined but he needed X number of people to sign up, He got enough sign ups, a few weeks later was the first meeting. It was at an outdoor range, only four people showed up , it was cold and windy as fuck and I only had four arrows and a shitty used bow my Dad borrowed from a friend while everyone else had high dollar target bows and like twenty arrows each so I had to wait until they shot all their arrows. After the next meeting I said fuck it. It's to cold and boring as fuck. About a month later no more club.

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Re: "Evil" sports in school: NO FUNDING
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2013, 05:38:26 PM »
Wrong or right: Football brings in more money into the school. There are baseball, tennis, soccer and field hockey scholarships offered by colleges and universities. Unfortunately not for archery, handgun, skeet/trap, etc. So when "they" have only "X" dollars to use they chose to use the money for sports/activities that some of their students can benefit from, e.g. scholarships.

Do I agree with it...No. It is the way of the world though.
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