It does have hard primers. Not a big deal for most pistols, but if you have a gun set up for gaming (light striker or hammer spring) or even a stock gun that has light primer strikes you could have some FTF problems.
This is some good intel here. I am having a little trouble igniting primers in my AK from Tullammo and this may be the reason. Hard primers you say?
Another thing about Tullammo is that it tends to be loaded weaker than most American ammos.
Here is a quick chrono chart I found that scott63 did on
Winchester 9mm 115gr fmj:
Average velocity:1238.5fps
Standard Deviation for 15 shots: 14.81fps
This ammo was extremely dirty, and while shooting it there was a consistent glitter looking(unburnt powder?) substance flying about, so much so that my son asked if Winchester put pixie dust in their ammo. Accuracy was the same as the TulAmmo.
TulAmmo 9mm 115fmj:
Average velocity: 1186.1fps
Standard Deviation: 29.30
This ammo was much cleaner shooting than the Winchester. No noticeable difference in accuracy, no noticeable difference in felt recoil.
The 'cleaner' shooting Tullammo he cites could possibly be because there is less powder to burn?