Author Topic: Review of Leapers, INC.  (Read 1673 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Review of Leapers, INC.
« on: August 01, 2013, 04:46:22 PM »
I have a UTG LT EL-228 flash light on my AR with a pressure activated switched taped to my fore-grip.

Well the switch isn't working anymore so I emailed Cheaper Than Dirt on Monday asking for a replacement part number so I could order a new one through them. Well as of today (Thursday) they had not emailed me back so I called customer service.

The customer service rep was harried but took my info; put me on hold and then got back on the line. She told me that they couldn't help me and for me to call UTG for a replacement. Before I could ask for the number she had hung up.

So I called my favorite on line gun accessory store (Midway). They to told me they couldn't help me BUT here is UTG's customer service department's phone number. If they can't help you please call us back and we will cut you a deal on a new light. I told them I didn't buy the flashlight from them and the rep told me, "no worries."

So I called UTG which turned out to be Leapers, Inc. who was a distributor for UTG. The customer service rep asked what he could do for me so I basically told him what was written above. He asked me for the serial number of the flash light. Then asked me for my address. Then said he would send me a new pressure switch in the mail tomorrow - "You should have it by Monday."

I said, "huh? Don't you want my credit card number - I am not asking for anything free."

He laughed and said, "We stand behind all of our products there is no charge. But if you would like to send me a stack of $20's with different serial numbers I will not say no."

So I have to say that is a stand-up company!
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Offline thatGuy

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Re: Review of Leapers, INC.
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2013, 12:06:10 AM »
Good to hear somewhere in the world they still know how to treat their customers.