A good friend invited MrsMac, our Dutchie, and myself to a dog show sponsored by the ASPCA and the local Elks Club held today (Saturday). All of the proceeds went to the K9 Departmens of Binghamton, NY and Broom County, NY Police/Sheriffs department.
Well to get quickly to the punch line our Dutchie won runner-up to "Best in Show." She was given a nice certificate and a $30- gift certificate to Texas Road House restaurant. A good time was had by all.
She only got into one altercation and it was when we all paraded our dogs in a circle before the cheering fans (all 40 or so of them - LOL). A a Pit Bull mix bitch lunged at our Dutchie and before I could rain her in she had grabbed the neck of the Pit Bull and took her down. I got her under control ASAP and escorted her out of the parade. The Deputy Sheriff walked up to us and complemented me on controlling the situation (That was nice) and our Dutchie. He then asked if he could give her a treat.
I explained to the Deputy that she will not take food from strangers so he smiled and handed me the treat and I gave it to her. He said, "good dog."
Again...A good time was had by all.