Shellback Plate Carrier with 3-HSGI Rifle Tacos, 1 HSGI Pistol Taco, 1 HSGI Taco for Flash Light, 1- Freeman Knives Blade, 100l Bladder, Blowout Kit
- If not using the battle belt I use a Ory-Gun Kydex Holster with a kydex rifle mag holder for my "happy mag".
- I add my comms Pouch as necessary. As i only occasionally get to shoot where I use comms, I dont generally have my kit set up with it.
Battle belt with 3 HSGI Rifle Tacos, 2 Snake Eater Tactical Pistol Mag holders, Ory-Gun Kydex Holster, HSGI Taco for Flash Light, HSGI Pistol Holder for multi tool, ESEE-4 Blade, Blowout kit
I generally wear one or the other, and cant remember the last time I wore both together. I run these fairly slick with a choice of 2 different packs (24hr or 72hr) that I use in conjunction. My Nods are part of my Pack load out.
For a sling I use a BFG VCAS sling that I stitched to work as a 1 or 2 point sling using Magpul hardware. I set up my rifles the same so that I can use the same sling and they all operate the same. 90% of the time I use it as a 2pt sling, but it is nice to convert to 1pt in higher intensity and cqb situations.
I like the HSGI Tacos for rifle mags as they will accept AR mags (80% of the time for me), .308 Mags (15% of the time for me) and AK mag(5%) though the AK mags are not "ideal". Last class I ran my AR for 1 day and my LMT MWS for 2 days and used the same kit all the way through.