Author Topic: Headphones?  (Read 2042 times)


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« on: October 05, 2012, 10:58:28 PM »
While considering radios as part of my preps, I've confused myself once again. I've heard people give advice to wear hearing protection if at all possible, even in actual shooting incidents. James Yeager is one that comes to mind. I've also seen pictures of team members, military or otherwise, who use them as part of their radio equipment. Just how practical are headphones? I'm all in favor of protecting your hearing, even in combat (long term SHTF, nothing would be more embarrassing than to get involved in just one fight and then be useless because you're deaf), but how are you supposed to keep them on? Those of us with a thick head of hair ( :))) sometimes have problems keeping stuff on (my C-PAP for example, slide off almost every night).

So how much better would headphones be compared to a single ear bud?

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Re: Headphones?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 11:19:48 PM »
If im not mistaken Yeager only recommends hearing protection for home defense because your indoors massively increasing the DB's to your ears. Also your in very close quarters where hearing may be very important post initial shots fired.

In my opinion which aint worth a damn... Id say forget hearing protection for outdoor use. For one it reduces your ability to vent heat (ears vent a lot of heat) so hiking with muffs on isnt ideal. Next, being able to hear well is important. They do have the electronic muffs but thats way too fancy for my style and its still very disorienting. Shooting with eye and ear protection to me is like playing football with a helmet on. I always wear it in training but i dont plan to ever use it in the real deal.

My buddy said "what are we gonna do for hearing protection in SHTF"... then i said... "dude you carry a gun for a living and you dont wear hearing protection ... why would you in SHTF?" he then said.. "oh ya"...

Will i be wishing i had it when hes shooting the AR over my head... hell yeah... but ill deal with it.
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Re: Headphones?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 11:41:46 PM »
Peltor comtac 2's or sordins.
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Re: Headphones?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2012, 11:50:59 PM »
You do alot of shooting without hearing pro there killah?

If you are looking for something besides the muffs, they do sell in the ear protection that works similar to the electronic muffs where it filters out only sound over so many decibels.  But one benefit of the elec hearing pro is the ability to amplify sound, giving you an edge in most situations. 

Can you shoot and be effective in a firefight without hearing pro?  Absolutely.  Is it worth it to add that bit of protection for one of your ONLY five (Not to mention a most important sense).  Personally I would say abso-freakin-lutely.  But the decision is up to you.  If the couple seconds it would take to put on hearing pro before or at the initiation of a fight is gonna be the difference between life and death, deal with the pain and ringing ears.  But given the opportunity I would say use it when you can!

Personally, I use Howard Leight Electronig hearing pro.  These are also a great in the ear option that are available and recommended...
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Re: Headphones?
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2012, 01:02:16 AM »
Peltor comtac 2's or sordins.


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Re: Headphones?
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2012, 12:24:20 PM »
Suppressors for all in 2012!

but for a more pocket friendly option I find the surefire ear pro to be a fine piece of equipment. They are comfortable, stay in your ear and better yet they work.