I broke down my wife's AR today and cleaned it with Hoppes 9 solvent and then went looking for my Pro-Shot Pro-Gold Gun Grease to grease down the bolt and carrier group but couldn't find it where I left it.
Thinking I might try something else as that grease is hard to find I duckduckGo'd CLP.
You may ask, "why did you search for CLP when the grease/oil/bacon fat/etc I use is so much better." I remember once at a MVT training session some of the students rifles were freezing up and the range officer/trainer (Arron I think) kept squirting those rifles with CLP. He finally came up to my rifle when I was prone and he squirted by bolt with CLP.
I told him I didn't need it and he said, "sure you do. AR's like it sloppy". OK what ever.
Anyway back to today. I did a search and I found this interesting test that a forum member from AR15 did with a bunch of lubricants and I thought I would post it.
https://www.ar15.com/forums/ar-15/-/7-485547/?If you do not have time to read the two articles here are the top rated lubricants after a summer and winter test in no particular order:
Slip 2000 EWL,
BF CLP Collector,
BF CLP, and
Soooo, what is your favorite lube and or rust inhibitor? Let the