Author Topic: Great water filter  (Read 2554 times)


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Great water filter
« on: February 07, 2012, 11:54:59 AM »
At first I was just gonna post this in " what have you prepped today ?" But I figure this is where it should be.

The brita water filter in my opinion is one of the best there IS out its not high speed low drag tactical crap. But it does its job even past what the what the paperwork say it should.

My wife picked this up about two months ago. Here in mid- Michigan we don't have any shortage of good well water but my wife loves the filtered stuff and i go threw a gallon of water a day, so there was a need

The unit is a 1 gallon pitcher that you load from the top hatch . In the picture you can see a little screen. You hold a button at the base of the screen and the light will blink on one of three options( good, change soon and change). It's very much idiot proof.

We have re filled it between 5-6 times a day and it is still reading clean filter 2 months later. The unit itself came with two other filters that are now in storage. The unit cost is around 20 bux .

I have used this to fill my emergency water jugs ( 30 1 gallon jugs) as well as my familys needs and i dont see it stoping, crapping out or even changing the filter out.

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Re: Great water filter
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2012, 11:19:00 PM »
The brita's are good for already sanitized water.
But I don't expect to take it to the lake and filter to much bad go go juice, granted it'll work for a bit. It's just not made to do that kind of work man.


If your like me and store water from the tap into jugs. These things are invaluable. A MUST HAVE  [URL=
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Re: Great water filter
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2012, 12:01:20 AM »
Yea this was only ment as a review of something to clean your stored water.

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Re: Great water filter
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2012, 05:36:36 AM »
Review the Burkey Water Filter Sysytem
I have very hard water and just purchased this system. You can filter standing pond scum and get clean water from this system. Yes, its pricey but YOU NEED WATER so save and invest. Otherwise your SOL without water. Its my understanding the system was designed for British SP. Its portable enough but not in a pack.
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Re: Great water filter
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2013, 01:50:00 AM »
I have several Berkey water filters and they are good when they work but they come unglued and the company does not back up their product.  Look into cermic options on southernprepper1's youtube channel.  I can't recommend Berkey anymore.
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Re: Great water filter
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2013, 08:59:19 AM »
EVERYONE that I know who has purchased a Berkey water filter system within the past year or so have been very disappointed. I have the Monolithic system and it isn't as fancy as the Berkey but works very well.
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Re: Great water filter
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2013, 11:12:28 AM »
Yeah, I've been using the black Berkey filters for about 8 years.  I usually buy them in bulk every couple of years.  I'm just now getting around to the filters I bought 2-3 years ago.  And yep, they've gone to shit, and there's nothing the vendor will do about it because the filters are well out of warranty.  I've gone through 3 filters in 3 months.  Needless to say, I won't be buying any more from Berkey. 

I was going to post about this AFTER I tried it, but since we're on the subject...  I did come across a video on YT where a guy was repairing his with food grade silicone... so I'm going try that and see if it will salvage this costly little clusterfuck. 

How to fix a black Berkey filter
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 09:00:36 AM by special-k »
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