Author Topic: First Impressions Sig MPX  (Read 1933 times)

Offline CJS06

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First Impressions Sig MPX
« on: January 11, 2016, 07:38:21 PM »
For Christmas I received a truly unexpected gift of a Sig MPX.  :fuckYeah:

The model I received is the 9mm Sig MPX-P Pistol with side-folding gen2 Sig Brace. I put a Trijicon MRO on top and it cope with flip up BUIS. The gun ships with one mag, a single point sling with QD, 3-rail sections for the forend and a rail mount QD socket.  I  previously have not been big on the need for a pistol caliber carbine as I have been very comfortable with my 5.56 and 300BLK ARs (shortys).  After getting this little gun I am being somewhat won over.

Sig has created a gun that operates with basically the same ergos as the AR. Bolt catch/release, mag release, and safety function identically as does the charging handle.  It goes one step further by being fully ambi. The 8" barrel with fully closed rotating bolt, short stroke pushrod operating system produce nice accurate tight groups out to 50 yds. Felt recoil is almost non existent and very quick accurate follow up shots are very easy to acheive.

In the short amount of time I have had it I have 2 negatives. The first is the price of Magazines and their availability. Mags are $65 ea ( $100 is you feel like being raked over off Gunbroker) and are difficult to find.  With how new this gun is that will come around and prices should eventually come down....but for now it sucks!  I bought 3 extra mags for $55 ea after a very thorough search.  The second negative is a borderline one as I find this to be a problem on all factory ARs as well (not on high end boutique rifles).  The trigger is a 7-9lb milspec that I foud t be less than stellar.  I put a Geissele G2S trigger that I had around into it.  There is a warranty warning regarding the trigger and the firing impulse is hard on trigger groups to the point that sig put a bar in to protect the stock unit. This will not work with aftermarket triggers, but Bill Geissele said his triggers are more than strong enough and if by chance one fails there is a lifetime no questions warranty on all Geissele triggers (it is whay you buy good products).  With the Geissele trigger this gun is just plain fun to shoot.

Besides the Trijicon MRO and Geissele trigger I used some KAC rail panels that perfectly match the hole pattern on the Sig forend.  So far I only have 1000 rds through the gun and at this point I am loving it!

As I get more time on the gun in some upcoming classes I am running I will try to posts some follow ups. I am most interested to get it in a Vehicle and a CQB class that I have coming up.  It definitely would not replace my 5.56 AR as a general go to primary but I can find where it has some great characteristics that should be fun in these classes.


Offline JohnyMac

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Re: First Impressions Sig MPX
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2016, 09:07:39 PM »
Great review! What a great and I am sure unexpected Christmas gift.  :pirateThumbUp:

I received a similar unexpected gift from MrsMac in 1986. A Browning Hi-Power. Still have it and am using it as mt EDC at the moment.

Would love to see it, you around? I will drop you a text.
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Offline CJS06

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Re: First Impressions Sig MPX
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2016, 09:42:44 PM »

Anytime your around drop me a line.