Author Topic: Blade-Tech WRS Level 3 Duty Holster Review  (Read 2333 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Blade-Tech WRS Level 3 Duty Holster Review
« on: November 18, 2017, 02:10:11 PM »
Back in March Smith & Wesson was closing out there 1.0 M&P handguns making room for their 2.0 version. CJS06 saw a S&W, M&P Pro Series C.O.R.E 9 mm handgun on sale for $499- which was about $300- less than retail, BRAND NEW. The handgun came with a 4.25" and 4.75" threaded barrel. Needless to say, I bought it!

Picked it up and dropped it off at CJS06's house so he could drop in a APEX trigger. Once done I was good to go. Got home and test fired the weapon - It was awesome.

I chose to go with the S&W, M&P pistol as I wanted a replacement for my duty and EDC handgun, a Browning Hi-Power for several reasons. The first being that I wanted a secondary that held more than 15 rounds. Next, I wanted a handgun that could accept a light. Last, I wanted a handgun that could become my EDC and be used as my secondary on my duty battle belt. The challenge was I wanted a handgun that had the ergonomics of the Browning Hi-Power and my 1911. The simple and very popular Glock didn't have those ergonomics.

Now I have NOTHING against Glocks. You pull the trigger and they go bang; However, I have a challenge shooting them well without some pricey adjustments mainly sights and trigger assembly's. My brother carries a Glock 21 every single day and loves it. He likes the reduced weight from his 1911 and of course larger round count is a plus too. Keep in mind he dropped some serious dollars into upgrading is 21 with new sights and a trigger. He owns several Glocks now and his 1911's pretty much remain in the safe. Although, he did have me write into my will that he gets my Kimber Eclipse 1911.

I picked up my M&P at the end of March and started my search for a EDC holster and Level 3 retention holster for my duty rig.

The first EDC holster was an Alien holster. This holster worked well and was comfortable to wear but it kept coming apart. I would have to tweak the screws weekly. Then I bought a Streamlight TLR-1 HL for the handgun and needed a different holster to accommodate the light and threaded barrel. Alien did not make a holster that met my needs - So, I went looking for a IWB holster that would.

I ended up with a Bravo holster which I use to this day. They were pleasant to work with and had a good product. I was now using the M&P for EDC with the threaded barrel and light, BUT I still needed a holster for my duty rig.

The search started with Safariland. They did not have a holster to meet my needs when I contacted them however they promised me they would have one in June. Well when I contacted the sales rep in June, they told me that they would have it in September. I waited till September and Yup you guessed it when September rolled around they promised me they would have it available for the Shot Show in January 2018. I told them "thanks" and started looking again.

Secret Squirrel posted an article on the Brushbeater blog about handguns. I asked him if he had any suggestions on holster companies to accommodate my ‘Unicorn’ and right away he suggested Safariland for my secondary. He suggested several other holster companies but to no avail until I tried his last suggestion, Blade-Tech.

I contacted Blade-Tech's customer service department and expected that they would write, like so many other holster companies had, "we can't help you." Their reply was they could make anything to my satisfaction. WOW, what a change from "nope" to "sure".

After several exchanges of pictures and suggestions I ordered their WRS Level 3, Duty Holster with Tactical light and 4.75" threaded barrel. I also ordered their WRS D/OS Tek-Lock belt attach system which allowed the holster to be carried at different heights or cantors while wearing body armor. 

The material that was used for the holster is awesome. It seems thicker than your normal Kydex holster. My handgun fit it like a glove.

Blade-Tech's Level 3 retention assembly worked better than the similar Level 3 Safariland holster that I used for my Browning Hi-Power.

The WRS D/OS Tek-Lock that I ordered for the holster comes with the standard Duty Dropped and Offset belt attachment to make it compatible for carry with most types of body armor while still allowing for a “Full Combat Grip”.  It was perfect for my rig.

In closing, I am stoked with the customer service and the holster I received from Blade-Tech! Looking forward to telling them in person at the January Shot Show. Now I am going to try one of their IWB holsters for everyday carry.

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Offline Jackalope

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Re: Blade-Tech WRS Level 3 Duty Holster Review
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2017, 03:57:35 PM »
That's a very nice holster Johny.  How much approximately was the holster?

Offline Kbop

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Re: Blade-Tech WRS Level 3 Duty Holster Review
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2017, 09:06:08 PM »
thanks for the writeup! 

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Blade-Tech WRS Level 3 Duty Holster Review
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2017, 10:49:01 AM »
Thx gents.

I forget jackalope,  :lmfao:

It was either $102- or $120-. Either price was a steal as they really took the time to work with me to get exactly what I wanted. If the Safariland ever does come out it was around $180-
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Offline CJS06

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Re: Blade-Tech WRS Level 3 Duty Holster Review
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2017, 11:17:18 AM »
Great review of this process finding the right holster. Thanks John.

Offline Deathstyle

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Re: Blade-Tech WRS Level 3 Duty Holster Review
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2017, 10:53:03 AM »
"Blackouts are God's way of saying, 'Don't worry 'bout it".