Author Topic: Battery Operated Table Lamp Review  (Read 6297 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Battery Operated Table Lamp Review
« on: August 22, 2022, 10:30:52 AM »
As some of you are aware, I have been looking for another light source other than our Aladdin lamps for when the electric ceases to flow at the old cabin. Primarily for the summer months because the Aladdin lamps add to the heat of the summer season.

One of the folks I follow on YouTube and in print is Luke over at The Outdoor Gear Review. As a side note, if you are into camping, Luke's site and reviews are top notch. Certainly, worth your time to check out.

Luke is using two lamps at his new cabin in North Carolina. The one I bought is the Timjorman rechargeable 3 watt lamp.

The lamp arrived on Sunday from Amazon. Kind of interesting that Amazon delivered on a Sunday way out here in the boon-docks. I typically do not allow W3OOF out during typical delivery times, Mon-Sat typical DHL. Fed Ex, mail lady, etc. delivery times. She thinks that everyone who visits has a dog biscuit in their pocket. On Sunday, I do not worry if she is outside as we do not get deliveries.

Anyway, I brought the package in and stood it up unopened, in the corner. Jump ahead to this morning when the electric went out YET AGAIN.  :facepalm:

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw MrsMac grab a box of kitchen matches and work her way to the Aladdin lamp over the sink in the kitchen. I asked her to stop as I have a present for her.

Walked over to Sunday's delivery, cut open the shipping box, and pulled out the new Timjorman lamp. Once removed from its carton, I accidently pressed the on button and the lamp lit up. WOW! It came charged too.

I walked over and set it on the kitchen table where MrsMac always sits and said, "Viola!"

Well a hero was born. She loved it and thought I was great.  :dancingBanana:

The lamp has three brightness settings and comes with a charging cable USB plug on one end and a IPhone type of plug on the other. The directions say that the cable can be used with any Ipad, Iphone, Android, etc. charging brick. The light can also be charged using a power station or your computer. Too cool.

I am allowing it to run down right now. After I do a few cycles, I will report on its performance.

Stay tuned for my report... :popcorn:

« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 11:13:37 AM by JohnyMac »
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