Gadget, that configuration (Scope on carry handle) seem a bit awkward. Was it?
It was a bit until I got used to it.
That was in 1992 so the options were a bit limited.
Though as I preached before. Many days on the range getting used to it made the world of difference.
I guarantee that up to 300yds I was comfortable with head shot capability. Though you always shoot for center mass. As long as I kept an Eye on the wind (when it was strong) I was good with taking up to 500yrd shots in an operational capacity. Meaning if it was within 500yds I would be willing to engage.
With that combo I needed the semi-auto capability of the M16A2. In a good supported position I could take a shaot and still keep the scope on the target. Thus be able to observe round strike and immediatly adjust for an immediate follow-on shot.
The key here is shooting on the range as much as possible to gain the proficiency and confidence needed.
During that time I spent from 3 to 5 days a week on the range coaching and shooting.
Of that time I averaged shooting a good two hours out of each day.
Now that was not all long range. Yet take a look at the amount of time there.
Not what most people can do. Yet remember good quality training is better than just training.
If you want to be able to shoot to 500yds then you need to shoot alot to that distance.
People would be seriously suprised at the inherent accuracy of most standard firearms.