Unchained Preppers
General Category => Gear Review => Topic started by: Crow on April 11, 2012, 12:04:47 AM
Bro... You don't need optics.
Irons, Irons, Irons. You've seen it I've seen it.
You sat out there all fucking day on the zero range as retards try to figure out their optics.
I pop up irons drop 6 - 9 rounds on paper and walk off ( to get you an MRE lol )
Bro, You can't break um, they wont die, and they are never wrong. Irons.
Reaver your on target, fire for effect.
its simple with any optics, "you get what you pay for" so what do you want to get? answer how much you want to trust your optic and then save that much money and buy one.
Certainly not Aimpoint quality, but from a friend who has sold hundreds of them he has only had 12 returned. He even mounted one on a .338 Lapua for a test, he said the optic was fine but the mounts broke off after a few dozen shots.
Thats kinda sketchy... .338 lapua usually shoots quite mildy because they usually put breaks on them, even factory guns... most shoot like a .308.. is it safe to say that RD dosent have the "Safe for 50 cal" rating with it? pretty much all optics these days do though...
Bro... You don't need optics.
Irons, Irons, Irons. You've seen it I've seen it.
You sat out there all fucking day on the zero range as retards try to figure out their optics.
I pop up irons drop 6 - 9 rounds on paper and walk off ( to get you an MRE lol )
Bro, You can't break um, they wont die, and they are never wrong. Irons.
Ok. Now I never spend more than 12 shots zeroing my optic I am good with irons but love the red dot, theres something you guys need to know about reaver if it can be considered extra work he WILL NOT do it because he is notoriously lazy lol
Irons have their place... for back up. [img]http://www.arrse.co.uk/at
I can use irons pretty effectively, and have done so for 20 years. With that said, after using a red-dot optic for the last 5 years, "I like em' a-l-o-t". I have never seen a highly qualified soldier take off his optic because "irons are better", like I said irons are back up.
I have a SPOT red dot sight on order for my Wife's AR build, I just can't afford an Aimpoint for her rifle at this time and she needs a RD to train with. She shoots rather well with irons, but aging eyes have more difficulty in multi-plane focusing (focus on front sight while maintaining proper sight alignment and sight picture). RD solves this fairly well.
[url]http://www.del-ton.com/SPOT_Scope_p/op1011.htm[/url] ([url]http://www.del-ton.com/SPOT_Scope_p/op1011.htm[/url])
Certainly not Aimpoint quality, but from a friend who has sold hundreds of them he has only had 12 returned. He even mounted one on a .338 Lapua for a test, he said the optic was fine but the mounts broke off after a few dozen shots. This should serve well for training purposes, but for an out the door gun, an Aimpoint or Eotech is what you want to bet your life on. (I prefer Aimpoint due to battery life.)
Well, I don't know how " High Qualified " I am..but I shot 40/40 in basic and expert on every weapons system I've ever gotten.
I use irons.
And yes good friends crow is right, I am notoriously lazy. but the one time that I wasn't and actually used that electronic crap it fucked me. Screw that those things.
If they are close enough to you that you need a 65.0 MOA dot, you should be point shooting anyway.
( 65 moa dot is what the outer ring on the eotech is I believe )
Tell us the story about how your electronic crap failed you. What model, what made it fail, and what immediate action you took.
Comp M2, Aimpoint, CCO
The damn thing sucked, dot flickered on and off. ( Brand new CCO )
( Brand new out of the package civilian battery, I say civilian because army batteries suck )
My immediate action was to turn it completely off and flip up my irons.
i think optics have their place. I run EOTech 512 and it's never once failed me in any way. plus it's nice to be able to cowitness with flip-ups if the batteries die or something.
I like where reaver is coming from.
I like where reaver is coming from.
well reaver's not "wrong", but i also think he's being a little silly in his rush to judgment.
i mean, if you're broke, then optics shouldn't be very high on your priority list. food/water/shelter, etc, should be, and just rock your irons. but if you've got the budget for it, optics greatly enhance your ability. if you've got a good reputable optic, all that silly sighting-in at the range should only happen once. I sighted my EOTech in one time over a year ago, and every range trip, I'm ready to sight it in again, but it still rocks it's original zero.
I think there's just too many variables to consider to just say "optics are gay, stick to irons". that's why God blessed us with the flip-up irons. run optics, but in the RARE occasion that they fail you for some reason, it takes literally less than a second to engage your backup irons.
Zeroing with optics takes 5 shots or less when done correctly. if your chasing the zero around the target its user error or a pile of shit optic. if battery life/electronic failures is the complaint with optics then go to an optic with no electronics in it. Irons can be decieving for the average shooter as rock solid never lose zero devices because theres no pin point accuracy that when missed can be a clear miss from an off Zero. i doubt when an average shooters iron sights are .5 inches to the left of actual zero they will ever complain that it has lost zero. put a scope on it and suddenly every little error the shooter makes is so clear as day. he aimed here and it hit here.. plain and simple. so people get discouraged by optics because they dont exactly lend themselves to making the shooter feel good about his range time.
Zeroing with optics takes 5 shots or less when done correctly. if your chasing the zero around the target its user error or a pile of shit optic. if battery life/electronic failures is the complaint with optics then go to an optic with no electronics in it. Irons can be decieving for the average shooter as rock solid never lose zero devices because theres no pin point accuracy that when missed can be a clear miss from an off Zero. i doubt when an average shooters iron sights are .5 inches to the left of actual zero they will ever complain that it has lost zero. put a scope on it and suddenly every little error the shooter makes is so clear as day. he aimed here and it hit here.. plain and simple. so people get discouraged by optics because they dont exactly lend themselves to making the shooter feel good about his range time.
damn... well said, sir.
If optics are so awesome, why is it that every year. ( once a year ) The army has one qualify, AND EVERY YEAR people have to re zero their same shit?
Look guys do what you want, I always thought optics where the shit too. I ran an Eotech 512 never had an issue. Then the magnifi-CANT aimpoint failed me. Fuck those things I don't want my shit failing me when I need it to be there. I'd rather just train and be 100% confident on a system. Than have to train on two and only be 100% on one of them.
That bit of doubt is what bothers me, and that goes for everything not just red dots.
I served in Kuwait & Iraq. Where I served is completely irrelevant. Its a combat engages country and the shit didn't work.
Look gents, do what you want. Just because SF and Ranger's use it. Doesn't mean you should. They have unlimited supplies and techs that can fix shit that does break. I don't know about you guys but IF my CCO fails I don't know how to open up and fix a CCO and I damn sure can't replace it. Especially after WROL.
And if your worried about your Irons breaking just pick up an extra one zero it and store it somewhere. Then save the extra $450 you would have used on a CCO and put it into something else.
Prep smarter not harder.
Happy to oblige ^-^
As for my word, maybe I did come off a bit strong.
How about this.
" My experience with some electronic products are not so good. They do help out. However, I feel I am better off with irons, and in my opinion the purchase of yet another CCO/RDS would be counter intuitive. I feel that my money should be spent else-ware. "