Author Topic: Book Trading Corner  (Read 16930 times)

Offline Kentactic

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Book Trading Corner
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:02:14 AM »
Ok we had an idea to start a book trading thread. bassically you list the books you have up for trade and then communicate any trades through PM's ONLY. this way you can trade books out for ones you havent read and keep the book flow going.


1. All trades are communicated through PM's

2. Shipping is paid by the senders. (bassically both parties pay shipping on their own books in a trade)

3. List author, page count, and wether its hard or soft back.

4. (optional) provide a link to the book on something like Amazon.

if anyone has rules to add to that, that they feel will help then feel free to PM me with the ideas.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2011, 07:56:42 PM by Kentactic »
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My Book Trade List
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2011, 10:46:55 AM »
Hello all, RON L here, with My List of Books for Trade, I will list by the rules and ask those to respond by PM, when a Book is traded I will modify list to reflect that but it might not be 100% each time ya look, as please ask, without furth ado:

1. Stackpole Booklet of Firearms Parts and Diagrams Soft cover approc # 32 pages of charts, diagrams and info

2. Bonsai for Indoors Softcover Booklet that covers all aspects on Bonsai tre groath, approx 75 pages

3. Lets Try Real Food, Ethel Renwick, soft cover book covers Pratical Guide to Nutrition and health Approx 243 pages

4. The Catelog Of Military Supplies third eddition, Hard cover book covers Militray supplies by contact addy and info, approx # 183 pages

5. 'The Basics of Pistol Shooting" NRA Production soft cover, approx 118 Pages

6. TM-9-1005-213-25 Technical manual on the M-2 50 Caliber Machine gun, soft cover, hole punched and tie wrapped, approx 192 pages

7. Consumer Drug Digest Hard cover book covers aspects of Drugs use in medicine, approx #477 pages

8. Drug Interations Great softcover book that is 5th edition and approx # 460 pages

9. Blue book of Airguns Soft cover book that cover all Blue book functions of airguns, approx #272 pages

10. The Pratical Book of Natural healing by Mark Bricklin Hardcover book with approx # 582 pages

11. Apocalypse Code - By Hal Linsey, Had cover good Book onthe topic, approx # 311 pages

12. Showdown at Armagedon George Vandeman Soft cover book onthe topic approx # 94 pages

13. You can Run, But you can't hide" By Duane "DOG" Chapman, a Hardcover book of his story, approx #294 pages

Well folks thats it for now? I will add and remove Books as they are Traded off, feel free to PM me with your offers and all and lets make a deal??

    RON L