Author Topic: Nuclear Toilet Review  (Read 3204 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Nuclear Toilet Review
« on: February 08, 2012, 10:26:01 PM »
Our house in Rhode Island is over the water twice a day. We have a septic tank but we are only permitted to put ?gray water? in it as it drains into Narragansett Bay (Sakonnet to be precise).

When we purchased the house in the middle ?90?s the previous owners had illegally plumbed their toilet into the approved gray water septic system. Yup you got it, they were draining raw sewage into the local waters. Well before we bought the house we made the previous owners install a 110 volt Incinolet toilet.

We did a little research and found out that the largest buyer of the Incinolet toilet is Norway, Sweden and Japan. The United States is way far down the list of folks who buy this great machine. It seems that Norway and Sweden consumers buy the toilet due to the cold temps in the winter. Japan buys the toilet due to the large number of folks living in a small area.

The original 110 volt Incinolet only lasted for about one year before giving up the ghost.  Apparently it just wasn?t up to the salt water at our house nor the daily use. So we bought a 220 volt Incinolet which has worked flawlessly.

Here is how it works:
>   You make your deposit into a paper coffee type filter.
>   You press a foot lever and your deposit falls into a burning chamber.
>   You press a button to start the burning chamber.
>   You replace the paper coffee filter for the next deposit.

For a two person household you empty the ash drawer about twice a week. When you empty the ash drawer you end up with about 1 cup of ash.

>   You do not need a septic system. Just plum a 3? exhaust to the outside for exhaust and
              pull wire for 220 volt.
>   No running plumbing to your septic system.
>   No freeze in the winter.
>   Very efficient.
>   Perfect for your shop or garage.

>   Initial cost is about $1,700-.
>   Has to be emptied depending on use.
>   Have to buy the coffee filters. In actuality you can use baking paper (Parchment paper) if
              you are too cheap to buy pre folded cones.
>   Needs electricity to work.

>   Have back-up parts available - Heating coil, solenoid, etc. Murphy's law is it stops
              working when you have guests over.
>   After emptying ash pan put about ? inch of non-clumping kitty litter in ash pan before
              replacing it.

On a scale of ?1-5? on the JohnyMac scale with ?5? being perfect I give this a ?4 ?.?
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Offline Outonowhere

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Re: Nuclear Toilet Review
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2012, 10:31:12 AM »
Awesome find!  [URL=
Han shot first!