No Wellie, I meant, I would LOVE to read a post from YOU being in the turkey woods this Spring. Even if you're not hunting, but if you could get out some morning, just before, or during the season, with somebody that's got a gobbler located. Hearing the calls of a Barred Owl, or the drumming of the Ruffed Grouse. And the birds are all returning, with the foliage just starting to show it's face. If you know a turkey hunter that wouldn't mind somebody along, especially just before the season. (As turkey hunting is normally an individual time to hunt.) Of coarse, with the use of hunting blinds nowadays, A lot of folks are pairing up to sit out there. Anyway, I think you could put the whole experience to words quite nicely. That would be a good read. Maybe something to ponder. Talk to ya later. P.S. Most hunters are more than happy to introduce somebody in to their hunting world.
Here is a link that gives you a feel of what it's like.