I love those suspenders he's wearing! I agree with NOLA, this guy ought to be given some kind of a medal are something.
He brings out good points about building a sustainable economy. Which seems to me would be a local economy. When watching this you come to realize how important it is for young people to learn how to do something or learn a trade. If nothing else just to be able to fall back on it. It's sad, but I know a few guys who don't even know how to change a tire, replace a wall plug, or anything. They always call outside help to have things done.
If any of you guys fall into that category I'm not putting you down. Some fathers just don't teach their kids how to do things. I'm just thinking it would be a good idea to put a little effort into learning how to do at least the simple things. It's amazing how simple it is to do most things when you find out how. And you save money to boot.