OK guys, dont know if many of you know about this little trick. You will need several set of good heavy gauge jumper cables AT LEAST 3 car batteries and come arc welding rods. You set you batteries up in a row using the jumper cables connect the positive terminal on battery #1 to the negative terminal of battery #2, then take another jumper cable lead and hook the positive terminal of battery #2 to the negative terminal of battery #3 and so on if you have more batteries. this should leave you with one negative terminal open on battery #1 and the positive terminal open on the other end of the battery bank. Connect your jumper cable lead to the open positive terminal and the piece you plan to weld. Connect your jumper cable to the open negative terminal and with the other end use it as your welding rod holder. That's all you have to do to start welding! Always wear eye protection for anyone that hasn't burned their eyes, imagine getting sun burn on your eye balls IT SUCKS! This isn't the best way to weld but it will do for an emergency situation when you have no other choice. If I can get my wife to show me how to use the scanner I will draw out a nice little picture and attach it to this post.