Author Topic: DIY Tech for prep  (Read 2133 times)


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DIY Tech for prep
« on: April 15, 2016, 11:23:17 AM »
Hi All,

Going to do a bit of a DIY Tech thread here.

Look I am a bit of a tech guy. Hell my callsign and nickname in the Army was Gadget. That was mid 80s to mid 90s.

So here is the deal.

While we as preppers tend to shy away from tech at time for many reasons. I have embraced the Gadget in me and have been coming up with some potential game changing thoughts.

Over time I will post in this thread what I am thinking for review and comment.

My first post is a big one in my mind.

Smartphones namely andriod ones are a game changer in my view.

This is a handheld computer that can now cheaply do a massive amount.

The first idea is that if you take a cheap android phone without a sim you still have a compass, gps, ebook reader and you can still communicate over wifi.

The floor is now open.

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: DIY Tech for prep
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2016, 12:40:59 PM »
I agree!  My smartphone long ago replaced pretty much my whole purse: GPS, notebook, book, contact book, calendar, phone, iPod, ruler (I'm a knitter - I use it for gauge and when to move on to the next section), laptop, mirror, radio, etc.  I even have access to all my home files via a virtual server, so I have access to important documents, and with apps for certain banks/insurance companies/stores/etc. I don't have to have my payment, medical, or ID cards to hand. 

I'm assuming we're not talking household appliances, but small, portable preps that could be charged with one of those little solar chargers?  Everything from power tools (I <3 my cordless drill as it is so versatile) to stoves to washers and dryers can be considered gadgets otherwise. :D  Hmm... I'll have to ponder that one.
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Offline Kbop

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Re: DIY Tech for prep
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2016, 09:41:55 PM »
general computing tech :)
rasberry pi, an SD card and 100'sGB of books and how to videos.
about the same flops as a lowpower laptop or highend tablet.
cheap and easy to use - free software.  the current top of the line raspi3 is under $100 you can go as low as $30 gets you up and running if you want just a book reader.
Ok, still not quite as cool as the all in one package of a cell phone.
but when you add the ability to program in python and adafruit and arduino add on's it becomes a powerful and flexible tool.

Offline Kbop

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Re: DIY Tech for prep
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2016, 09:59:02 PM »
 Gadget - cool thread.
so what android apps would you use if the cell network was down for good?

this would kill one of its main strengths as an information portal.
for navigation the ephemeris data goes wonky over time and GPS becomes spotty and inaccurate.  I'm assuming the USAF is too busy or unable to keep its constellation synced.
the gyro nav function would work in a local area to find your starting place within walking distance but i wouldn't trust it over the course of 50 miles to take me to a ford or bridge on a river or canyon if traveling cross country.  topo maps would work well.  compass would work - i'm assuming it is a hysteresis type so no cell tower or satellite info needed.  camera would be good for documenting and scouting.
the screen is a nice interface for input and output in a small selfcontained package.  They are pretty tough.  but not weather proof - a case can help with that.  within a couple of years the battery will start to go bad.  In a SHTF this probably puts a hard stop on how long it will be useful.

i just might vote for a slide rule as my favorite gadget.  slipsticks don't need batteries.
for the younger ones in this group.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 10:02:40 PM by Kbop »


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Re: DIY Tech for prep
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2016, 04:06:38 AM »
I am looking at what apps I would suggest.

Off the too of my head these are the functional capabilities I would recommend.

Offline maps app
Reference library in ebooks
Edible plants identification app
Medical reference app
Compass app
Over wifi communication apps

If you have a set BOL I suggest setting up a wifi umbrella over it using outdoor wifi access points and range extenders that you diy set up to run off battery and solar panels. This can give you the ability to maximise commo over wifi potential.