I usually only let mine free range when I'm outside or my Great Pyrenees is there to guard them. I lost a banty rooster a couple of weeks ago, probably to a fox. He didn't get along with my older rooster, so he was allowed to free range full time. Well he survived a year outside and inside our fences, even though he was encouraged to roost and stay with my other chickens. I have an electric fence around my free range area, and then a tighter fenced enclosure within that area. Most four legged predators learn to avoid the electric fence and looks for easier pickings. However, the predator that ate my banty rooster broke three fence posts, probably from receiving a shock. I also keep a goose ( affectionately known as Goosezilla) as another layer of defense. Chickens are great homestead animals, but they do require planning and physical work to maintain the flock.