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Tactical Requisitioning--Contest Entry

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Tactical Requisitioning

So you have all your preps and the Shit Hits The Fan. What now?
As you watch the unprepared masses rush the stores and riot in the streets you have the options of bugging out or bugging in. I have another option for your consideration. Tactical Requisitioning (TacReq) for short.
Now I will not endorse unlawful activities or out right theft, but in what may become a long term WROL situation you as the prepared soul know that prepping is never done. So for those of us that wont be running through Wal-mart trying to beat up grannies for the last package or ramen noodles, I have a few other items that a person could obtain with little effort and would probably be overlooked in the initial break down of our society. 

The solar panel and battery packs from road side signs.
   These handy dandy little items are found throughout our country on and around roads, and in some cases construction sites. States towns and police use these systems to power their portable road signs and speed traps,so check any municiple storage sites as well. A person could go through their own town and identify the signs and lights that are using this type of system and have a game plan in place for acquiring them whilst the general population is eating itself.
These panels and battery packs could easily be used to power a water pump or as a battery charging system.

The Tanning bed
   So you like me may have a couple of tanning salons in your area. Well congratulations you have a serious advantage in indoor growing. If you can obtain the contents of a tanning salon, including all the spare bulbs, you can set up an indoor garden using the UV producing lights. And being the good Samaritan that you are. When your friends and neighbors are looking to you for help you can suggest that the community can use one of its larger facilities (i.e. School, rec center, Library) as a community grow house. Thus consolidating resources and security. Please note that a good UV light will be worth a great deal in a WROL scenario. just storing the equipment away for a rainy day will probably payoff in the long or short run.

The Flir system.
   Many people know that the Fire Dept uses a hand held forward looking infrared system to find people in smoke choked structures. Well I'm not saying that fire fighters will just simply abandon their posts but these are men with families to look after as well. And sometimes equipment gets left behind in a panic.
So if you have the chance to obtain this system do so. It will give your nigh time security a huge advantage over any raiding elements looking to use the cover of night to their advantage. OWN THE NIGHT

The Industrial Complex or Business parks
   Before the madness of a SHTF situation descends upon your quiet and peaceful life you may want to map out any industrial complexes or Business parks in your area and see find exactly what types of operations they support. Many stores businesses restaurants and the like all get regular re-supply from warehouse systems and distributor that are located in place called Industrial complexes or business parks.
So whilst your neighbors are fighting for soup in stop-n-shop you and a pre designated team of trusted individuals could roll on into these little known bastions of commerce with a few U-Hauls and see if anything there would serve you and your community well. Please keep in mind that even though the police and any military units will most likely be very busy else where, You will probably not be the first one to think of using this type of facility for re-supply. So Go early, Go ready, and Go once. Any returns to these types of facilities will increase the chances of a hostile encounter, especially after the shelves at Wal-mart are bare.
But that of course is at your discretion. Perhaps you will find a very good reson to return, Thats your call of course.

So these are just a few ideas that were knocking around my in my head. I invite any and all to add to this list of TacReq items that a person or group would find useful to obtain after the panic hits. and as always feedback is welcome. Once again I am not condoning or sugesting that any one go out a commit crimes to add to their preps in a time of plenty, these are just ideas for us to entertain in the event the plenty goes bye-bye. [url=http://www.freesmileys.or

Very intelligent article.   [URL=

Ty EJR. And plz, anything you can think of to add to this topic plz do [URL=

At first, people will be going after things like food/ass wipes/ electronics (silly people), and all that other shit.

If you live near a good water source, fishing could be a viable option. Nets, hooks, lines, fishin' poles, all of that stuff would not only be for the obvious fishing, but they all can serve a multitude of things.

Netting can be used with natural vegetation and some dyed burlap to make hunting blinds, ghillie suits, camo cover for something you want to hide away (like a car/truck/bike). Plus you can use your mind to make some pretty neat traps for people lol.

Also, blankets. Get lots and lots, as they can be used for so many things. Same as curtains.

And if you can get it, gardening/farming equipment. If you already have some, fine. But get more, more is always better in regards to stuff that'll keep you alive.

Those are just a few that I can think up at the moment. I'll try and get a few more up later.

Ghost! I LOVE IT!! and im glad your thinking about this shit too. I really want preppers to think about the types of things they can gather durring an initial breackdown. these will be crusial hours people and while joe the plumber is looking ramen [img]http://www.smileydesign.n in Stop-n-shop you can be away from the hostilities gathering other usefull items.


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