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Physical movement during WROL & SHTF scenarios.

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Physical movement during WROL & SHTF scenarios.

   The following are some ideas for people to take into consideration if they were to ever find themselves in a time of Without Rule Of Law. These are basic concepts that are easily adapted to a training regimen. This topic is to assist the laymen in safe movement through dangerous areas in dangerous times.

   First the size of your group should dictate your methods of movement. If you are moving solo you will obviously have the luxury of not worrying about the well being of others. However I think the old adage "safety in numbers" Is one of the truest statements ever spoken. That said, this post will concentrate on movement techniques for small team and large groups on foot. Please keep in mind when I say large group I am referring to groups consisting of people you and your team will be protecting. i.e. People who may not be able to defend themselves. I am writing this from a post collapse point of view. This is if you have no choice in the matter and you are forced to run.

Land Navigation
   It is imperative for any one who wishes to travel overland in any situation to have a basic knowledge of land-nav. I suggest obtaining a decent compass, and familiarizing ones self with at least three concepts.
Dead Reckoning
Terrain Association
Back Azimuth
Be advised whether you are right or left handed you will naturally drift to your strong side while walking.
It is important to stop and make regular compass checks. There are many more methods available for land-nav, but these three will get you started.

   You should have several maps and get them updated at least every two years. You should consider getting both road and terrain maps. I like to laminate mine.

The rule of three's
   This rule refers to having three preplanned options in place prior to any emergency. If you have a BOL to fall back to you should have three routes of travel to get there. If possible have cache points well hidden along the routes. If you do not have a BOL have an idea of where you will run to in the event of an evacuation. And have at least three routes out of your AO. This is for any size group

   When traveling through rural and wilderness terrain you have a few options for safety and security.

Stop, Look and listen
   While walking a route it is important to stop from time to time to simply use your senses. Use your eyes ears and nose to identify potential threats. Its pretty easy and a larger group will probably need the rest.

Circle back
   This is ideal for small teams or even the lone individual.
You can leave your route of travel from time to time to circle back to the same route. this allows you to see if any one is following you. While on your route look for spots that pick up tracks easily. Such as loose soil low branches tall grasses. anything that can be easily disturbed by someone traveling along the route. Try not to disturb them yourself and after moving up the route farther you can then circle back and reexamine the pre identified area.

Rally points
   You should have pre planned rally points planned out on you route in the event the group or team becomes separated. i.e. If we are separated meet at west side of hill in this grid location. Rally points should be easy for your group to find. Plan out a time frame in which you will wait.

Point and Flanks
   Very important for larger groups. Having elements capable of responding to threats at roughly a half mile to the front, left and right that can provide warnings for your group( the distance of point and flank elements is not set in stone). This early warning can provide your group with enough time to adjust your route of travel and un-ass the area.  the engaged elements can lead off any threats or break contact. Good communication is necessary in this eventuality. You will have to decide whether you will send more support to the engaged elements or if they will be able to break contact on their own. It is important to have rally points designated in the event you are separated.

Rear security
   When moving in large groups Circling back is not really an effective way to see if any one is following you. You can however identify a defensible position and have a team remain behind for pre-determined amount of time, to monitor the trail behind you. I would suggest a good DM be apart of this team. A rear security team can identify, delay or eliminate threats that are shadowing your group.
(note) choose your position with care.

Potential threats and actions on contact.

   Generally two types. Early warning and lethal. The early warning trap is designed to provide perimeter security for an occupying group. You in your travels may encounter such. Hear are a couple of types and some ideas as to how you can react to them.

Ground flares
   Usually triggered by trip wire or pressure plate. usually set for night time operations as they are less effective during daylight. that does not mean they aren't used in daylight, as many models are equipped with a whistler. If you encounter a ground flare it is important to immediately look away,(protect your night vision) and then as fast as possible run in the direction you have just come from. These flares are often used in ambushes and if you encounter on you are most likely surrounded on at least two sides and in the middle of a kill box. If the flare is not accompanied by an ambush you can be sure a spotter has identified you and the group that set the flare is sending armed people to investigate.

Arial flares
   Usually triggered by tripwire or pressure plate. Can be used effectively in day or night operations for early warning. Generally  placed around a perimeter for early warning and location finding. If encountered immediately look away from the flare and as fast as possible run in the direction you just came from. If the area is not noticeably occupied you can bet your ass it will be shortly.

Lethal traps
   As far as lethal traps go. Your best defense is detection and avoidance. This is really very hard. They are placed and hidden carefully by those wishing to do harm to potential intruders. One of the methods for locating a lethal trap is to know you are approaching an occupied AO. And begin and active scan for any such devises. This may not be possible for a team or group on the run. So unfortunately for us discovery of a lethal trap will most likely mean triggering it.
   Actions upon discovering a trap of this nature. ( the medical types are going to hate this but I would like to say I was a EMT-B and I have had some actual training on this subject, I am modifying and simplifying for the laymen but the foundation is still the same. If you don't believe me go ask rangermedic for his thoughts on this section of the thread). immediately asses the wounded. If the wound is not life threatening, Remove your wounded and un-ass the area while you or your team provide bounding over-watch. You need to get your wounded to a better position for proper assessment and treatment. The trap, if it is a loud noisy affair will alert others to your presence. and you can expect company on the quick. Speed is key.
If the wound is of a more serious nature you will have to make a tuff decision. You can attempt to set security and stabilize your injured friend or you can scoop and scoot. This is where a collapsible or drag litter would pay off in your preps. I wont tell you what to do in this instance ,but I was always taught ?it doesn?t matter how hurt the individual is, if the damn cars on fire, fucking move them away from it?. A good medic can perform some basic assessments and stabilization on the move but its real tricky and you or they need to be really freaking good. I?m not going to BS hear folks, this thought scares me. As we know people will do almost anything to protect themselves and traps are indiscriminate. Without good treatment facilities medicine and surgeons.... Well a lethal trap is one of the last things you want to stumble across. I would rather try dancing with a cottonmouth.

   The modern highway system was developed early during the cold war and signed off on by president Eisenhower. One of his main reasons for this move was to provide the general population, an escape route from major cities in the event of a nuclear war. The population and use of automobiles however has grown so far beyond the capabilities of the current highway system that these roadways will be grid locked and as people run out of fuel, or get blocked in they will abandon their vehicles and walk away.
Using the highway system as a route would not be safe for any group as a rout of travel. However they provide a great land mark and the potential for limited re-supply. Many vehicles loaded with peoples belongings could provide you with many things such as blankets, clothes, diapers, perhaps food. So while traveling on a highway could hinder your ability to move quickly, and expose you to ambush from predatory groups. Crossing them along your route could provide your group some much needed re-orientation, gear and supplies. The risk assessment is yours to make. I suggest recon and over-watch when approaching a high-way.

   Well once again folks I would like to say this is by no means gospel. These are concepts that are simplified and adapted for laymen use. The principles of tactical movement are many and varied. and if you truly want to study them I suggest seeking professional instruction. Please remember that there are a great many more facets to this topic. But I hope this got you thinking of how to fit these concepts into your preps. As always I invite any and all to add to this information with whatever expertise you have, and thanks for reading.

awesome post!!!

Whiskey you're on the verge of getting a six pack from me now. Lot of great posts from you [URL= Keep it up mate.

Awesome post!   [URL=

Buck Naked:
Booby trap!!!!! The most trouble I've ever gotten into as a kid involved making a booby trap.

Thanks for the post.


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