Searchboss: We have had quite a bit of discussion here about Solar systems. Basically, it consists of SOLAR PANEL (or panels), CHARGE CONTROLLER, BATTERY (or Batteries), and INVERTER. The one thing that is very important is to never connect your Solar Panels to the Charge controller until you have already connected the Charge Controller to the Batteries. If you connect the Solar Panels to the Charge Controller before connecting it to the Batteries, it's like trying to transmit on a radio that has no antenna connected. That would be a bad thing. I suggest that you hook things up in reverse order. Inverter to Batteries, then Batteries to Charge Controller, then Charge controller to Solar Panels. When everything is connected, then plug electrical loads into the Inverter. With all that said, there is a trick to connecting a bunch of batteries in parallel. Never connect the positive and negative terminals to the last battery. Connect the Negative terminal to the first battery and then connect the Positive terminal to the last battery. The reason for that is so the last battery doesn't try to be the only one to take a full charge and do all the work. Yep, it will work but you won't get the full benefit of all the batteries. I hope this helps. Also, don't max out your Charge Controller. I have a 30-amp Charge Controller and I'm only putting about 20 Amps through it.