Trading & Vendors > Wanted

Forget your Sale, I want to BUY!

(1/6) > >>

Hey Gang,

I've been thinking about adding a WTB section for those hard to find parts.

So I WTB AR-15 stripper clips, luluz and the black safety pins that come with the bandeliers.

I can get you AR-15 stripper clips. How many you need/want?

All of them brother, all of them!

For the moment I would settle for a good sized fist full.

I have a buddy that has a few 55 gallon trashcans full. he is in military surplus.  How much you looking to pay for them? If I can buy some from him I will only charge you what I paid +shipping.

I suppose I could go a dime a piece if they are close to clean.

See if he bites... if not ask about for a counter offer.


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