General Category > Sustenance

JohnyMac's Garden 2023

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2,000 sf Garden:

1) Raised beds are planted.

2) Weed control fabric laid and pinned down.

3) Today I will finish the drip tape install. I started it last night and hopefully will finish this AM if Murphy does not show up.

4) Fence is up. I am trying something new this year called electrified poultry fence. It is about belt high (42") and once you  put an electric fence charge to it the whole fence is electrified. Here is a link to it.

It was a bitch to put up as it comes in a 170' continuous roll. Due to MrsMac's mobility, it was a one man show. And quite a show it was for my chickens. They all sat there and watched my antics.

5) I will start planting my seedlings next. Probably start with tomatoes as they are going crazy in the green house.

How is your garden coming along/


Much the same here.   I figure I'm two weeks behind though, due to health issues.    That's two weeks out of a short growing season (bracketed by hard freezes) at 7,000ft elevation.   Could be a problem, might still be OK - seed-to-seed propagation requires full maturity!
Thankfully, my "Indian corn" is already sprouting with high germination from last years plant seeds, the home-grown seeds of kale are going gang-busters compared to store=bought seeds as are the turnips.    Need to take some "before" pics to compare with the later on "after".

Cool beans Felix!  :cheers:

    Our gardens are doing okay.  We haven't had any rain in over two weeks, and it has only rained once since the gardens were planted.  So, I've been spending my evenings watering the gardens, using our rain catchment system.  I have some tomato plants in our greenhouse that should have ripe tomatoes within the next couple of weeks.  Overall, it's about normal for this time of year, though we could certainly use some rain.  We've had thunderstorms come close with plenty of lightning and thunder, but no precipitation, which is really weird, and it happens frequently...very frustrating.

Yes, we are having a drought too.  :facepalm:


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