General Category > Sustenance

How prepared are you for SHTF

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I've been prepping since 2008 and have all sorts of extra things. However, none of us will ever be totally prepared for SHTF. After all these years, I still run across things that I think I will need. I started out prepping by getting multiuse items and I always try to keep that in mind even today. Just one of those would be 90% Alcohol to use as antiseptic and fuel for my hand size alcohol stove. If you're a drinking person, you might consider 190 Proof drinking alcohol and you would have 3 uses for it. By the way... I have about 20 pair of Dollar Store reading glasses that range from 1.25 power up to 3.0 power.

There is ALWAYS room for improvements or upgrades in every aspect of prepping because you can never accurately see or predict the future

Sir John Honeybucket:
Yup, self reliance is a lifestyle, with plenty of room for improvement. 

Gotta figure water out. Here in the SW, that is more important than food. If you can wait the unprepared over water then the threat will reduce dramatically in days.

Second the notion of fast population decline in the SW should our tech falter - there simple _aren't_ many surface waters available (which were more numerous in pioneer days before we began "management" and pumping of aquifers.)
Dependent on my own well, the water level is 500 feet down.   And my only way to run the pump at moment is by generator (for which I have a considerable store of propane) - only one well in the neighborhood is able to run on solar.
Such a vital resource - so vulnerable to the vagaries of breakdown, waylay.
Being prepared means many things and my water situation underlines, "If you can't hold it, you don't own it".


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