Author Topic: eFoods Direct - WARNING / BAD FOOD - Pissed Off Customers  (Read 7535 times)

Offline special-k

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eFoods Direct - WARNING / BAD FOOD - Pissed Off Customers
« on: January 12, 2019, 03:03:16 PM »

Do you have any items from efoodsdirect in your inventory?

In my earliest prepping venture (late 2007), long before this forum existed, long before a plethora of youtube videos about how to do long-term food storage...I had placed an order from eFoodsdirect.  This dehydrated food consisted of a "Liberty Unit" (1 year for one person) and a "Patriot Pack" (I wanna say a 2(?) month supply of quick fix, add to boiling water type meals).  Going by memory (the website is currently down), the food was advertised with a 15 year minimum shelf life, up to 30 years.  The total cost was around $1300usd delivered by freight.  Seemingly not a terrible deal at the time.

SIDE NOTE: They charged me twice.  I was refunded the overcharge within a week after bringing it to their attention.  They apologized and said it was due to a new employ accidentally reprocessing completed orders.

About 3 months ago I decided to start pecking away at this old supply so I could replace it with a fresher variety of items that I prefer.  The first item I opened was a large (#10?) can of "small white navy beans".  I noticed a definite sweet/metallic can smell.  I also noticed that approximately 1 out of 100 beans (1%) was significantly discolored and/or shriveled.  I picked out these bad beans as I began each preparation.  I did experience a significant amount of gas after eating, but I chalked it up to being a type of bean that I am not used to.  As I start nearing the bottom of the can after a couple of months go by, I realize that THERE WAS NO OXYGEN ABSORBER!  Well maybe this was a one time mistake at the factory.  So I opened a can of "Pinto Beans" today.  I poured the entire contents into another container while looking for an oxygen absorber...THERE WAS NONE!  There were also significantly more bad beans, around twice as many or 2%.

At this point I hit the interwebs. will not load for me on 2 different devices using 3 different browsers.  Then I noticed the litany of complaints in the search results.  I linked one of the sites at the top of this post.  Low and behold it looks like efoods has slithered out of public view now that their bad practices have been discovered.  I saw quite a few reviews containing the words "class action suit"...but know of none actually occurring.  I also saw mention of the missing oxygen absorbers.  Some reviews had the quick fix type products being discovered to be bad in less than 2 years...the granola and any other oil containing items (TVP) being completely rancid well within its shelf life.  Due to the lack of oil, and it only being a single ingredient per can, I've deduced that the beans are going to be the best item.  So at this point I don't know if I should open any more cans... or leave them unopened to be used as evidence in a possible future law suit?

Also, the only "proof of purchase" that I have is the product itself.  The bank account used for purchase has long since been a matter of fact, the bank no longer has been bought out several times over.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 03:05:32 PM by special-k »
"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride

Offline Kbop

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Re: eFoods Direct - WARNING / BAD FOOD - Pissed Off Customers
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2019, 04:52:27 PM »
wow, the site isn't indexed anymore.  they became gofoods global - and it isn't on line either.  they lost their CEO and rebranded.  I didn't find much more.

i have a few of their cases - easy to move in a hurry.  a group of friends and I cracked one open and ate it over a weekend.  Nothing spectacular but nothing bad.  I don't have any of their cans but i'll pass this on!