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General Discussion / Re: Its none of your business but I'm going to tell you anyway.
« Last post by grizz on April 11, 2024, 06:20:55 PM »
Johny and Jackalope: You are both right. While I was chatting with the Deputy, I had to keep reminding myself of my Rule#1. It's OK to say what you have but it's not OK to say how much of it you have. As for feeding those who show up at my door to ask for food, I decided a while back to not rotate my canned goods. The canned goods with old dates on it will be for those who show up hungry. It just didn't make sense to spend the time, energy, and money to constantly rotate my canned goods when I could just give that stuff to the hungry. I was also careful to not mention my neighborhood MAG.

Whats that old saying? The only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead

If this officers family is hungry he would not remember, even if you did state how much food you have, he will only remember that you have some food and you just became a target.

On top of that he has a uniform which will carry some weight in the beginning of SHTF, which will catch many people off guard.

Now is the time to Schultz up (I know NOTHING!!)

News & Politics / Re: Toronto Canada - What Has Happened To Canada?
« Last post by pkveazey on April 11, 2024, 06:12:03 PM »
It is sad that Canada used to try to be like the US but in today's world the US is trying to be like Canada. I have condensed our governments intentions down to Disarm, Impoverish, and disinform the people. When that is accomplished, the people will accept whatever breadcrumbs the government offers them. The only problem is they will be offering Communism.
News & Politics / Re: Toronto Canada - What Has Happened To Canada?
« Last post by grizz on April 11, 2024, 06:07:35 PM »
Truly, perps against our freedom are striving to insure there will be no "voting our way out of this".

Sad but true
News & Politics / Re: Toronto Canada - What Has Happened To Canada?
« Last post by Felix on April 11, 2024, 04:01:36 PM »
Truly, perps against our freedom are striving to insure there will be no "voting our way out of this".
General Discussion / Re: Precious Metals
« Last post by pkveazey on April 11, 2024, 02:53:34 PM »
Yesterday, they slammed Silver down to $27.80 but today at 3PM it's back up to $28.26. :dancingGrenade:
Johny and Jackalope: You are both right. While I was chatting with the Deputy, I had to keep reminding myself of my Rule#1. It's OK to say what you have but it's not OK to say how much of it you have. As for feeding those who show up at my door to ask for food, I decided a while back to not rotate my canned goods. The canned goods with old dates on it will be for those who show up hungry. It just didn't make sense to spend the time, energy, and money to constantly rotate my canned goods when I could just give that stuff to the hungry. I was also careful to not mention my neighborhood MAG.
News & Politics / Toronto Canada - What Has Happened To Canada?
« Last post by JohnyMac on April 11, 2024, 11:55:04 AM »
We see daily how our good neighbors to the north, free speech being thrown to the wayside by the Trudeau government. It started with the truckers strike and has gained steam since.

Here is a video of a Rebel News Reporter David Menzies being arrested for reporting on a pro-Israel gathering in Toronto Canada.

Today arrests tomorrow reeducation camps.

I can see PKv's desire to help people. It is a human and Christian trait. PKv, I have always thought of you as a good man.

Jackalope brings up a good point, and that is PERSEC.

When ever I facilitate a class on the 4 Bee's (Beans, Band-aides, Bullets, Bibles) I speak to this. In essence just because you are in a prepping workshop with other folks interested in prepping, keep your cards close to your vest.

Thinking the bulls eye is you, each ring out from the center represents people in your circle. Your spouse should be the first ring. Friends & family should be what ring? The farther the rings move from you is the gauge of what PERSEC you share with them. Trust is paramount to survival.

PKv, thank you for starting this post.  :thumbsUp: :cheers:
    I guess I look at things differently, PK.  First, I'm extremely careful about sharing prepping information...PERSEC and all that.  Even within my MAG, I'm careful about information.  There are some things that are quite visible at my residence, but unless folks are within my immediate circle, I don't elaborate.

    I would be even more careful when dealing with law enforcement.  Not all law enforcement officers are "good guys", and if they have hungry kids at home, you can bet they will see your supplies as a potential source of food.  Law officers have the training and equipment to take what they want.  When there is no more law, they will do as necessary for survival, it's human nature.  After multiple days without food, a human will do what is necessary to obtain it.  We're only nine meals from anarchy!
General Discussion / Its none of your business but I'm going to tell you anyway.
« Last post by pkveazey on April 10, 2024, 11:06:09 PM »
The other day, I had the occasion to have one of our County Deputies come to my house for a minor issue. He was a really nice guy and needed to come inside for a few minutes, which was OK with me, under the circumstances. I warned him that I was a Prepper and he was going to see a ton of Boxes of Prepper supplies from floor to ceiling in one room. Anyway, just before he left, I was giving him some economic collapse advice and some issues that his office might have with communications when the SHTF. They have digital radios that go through Cell Towers (Big Mistake). They do have the ability to switch their radios back to analog. Anyway, I told him that if they get themselves into a bind and can't get analog radios, I would be glad to share a bunch of my Handi-talkies with them. He didn't get to go into my Radio Shack but I did tell him that I was a Ham Radio Operator and If they had any Communication problems, I was capable of handling Radio traffic on just about any frequency if they needed it. He was very receptive to my prepping ideas and just before he left, he said that he would be coming to see me if there was a collapse. I laughed and said, "Yeh, everybody says they're coming to my house when the SHTF." Anyway, I also told him that he should give some serious consideration to starting to stack some physical Silver if he could because Hyper Inflation was going to be a real problem real soon. Of course, I didn't reveal how much Silver I have but I did tell him that even though I have some Silver, I'm not floating in it. Before you ask..... No, I did not talk about weapons or ammunition even though there were a couple of 9 mm carbines and 22 caliber rifles resting against one wall. He didn't ask and I didn't tell. I'm of the opinion that local law enforcement should know where they can get some civilian assistance but they don't need to know all your personal business. Oh, I did explain that I have DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) capabilities through a local repeater 15 miles north of me. When the Cell towers go down, the DMR repeaters might still be up and operating.
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