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We've got some really nasty stuff coming our way. I've always known it, but it seems to be just around the corner now. I've spent a lot of time, money, and effort preparing for whatever happens. The odd thing is...... I hope it was all a waste of time. I hope I'm right but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. I actually think that 2025 will be the year that we all will suffer. I like Trump OK, but I think we have gone too far for him to actually be effective in fixing our Country. :facepalm: Our Country is going to be a very dangerous place in at least a dozen ways. The Marxist have known for a long time that forcing the general population into abject poverty will make them easy Slaves to whatever breadcrumbs they throw their way. While the Sheeple think that the Government will save them, they will find out the hard way when they end up with a leash and collar around their necks. I'm probably wrong, but I think that distancing and divorcing myself from the system is my only hope of survival. I'm absolutely certain of one thing. The Government will do whatever it takes for it to survive and the Citizens be damned. In 1918, the Russian population was only about 10% Communist, yet they took total control of the country because the people just stood by and watched.  :faint:
And half in jest..illegal aliens, the other white meat.
Grizz, many will move to Seattle. When we lived in Seattle, starting in November, the homeless grew by an easy 300%. Seattle also pays a small sum monthly to all homeless. When we lived there (1980 - 1995) it was around $300- a month in 1995. I am sure it is higher today.

It is all interesting for sure.

General Discussion / Re: 10M Illegals In The Country With Winter Coming What Will Happen?
« Last post by grizz on September 13, 2024, 01:06:48 PM »
I'm as ready as I can be as I'm sure 99% of everyone on this site can say.

Illegals in this state are few but they are here. Our population of homeless and druggies is pretty high in Anchorage and they are spreading like weeds to the rest of the State. When the colder weather gets here it will be interesting. I cant say for sure how they will react but I can tell you a few places they will not go  :cowboy:

I always notice people carrying and the past few months I've noticed more of them. Which is good because they are on my side and will more than likely be there when needed. I know a few CCW people say they only carry to protect themselves and their families with plans to run and hide if anything does not directly affect them. I think this is sad because "it" may not affect them today but I guarantee it will sometime in the future. We stand together or fall apart!!
General Discussion / Re: 10M Illegals In The Country With Winter Coming What Will Happen?
« Last post by Felix on September 13, 2024, 09:09:41 AM »
Yes.   The collapse IS coming.
And its form will present more than civil strife - it almost certainly will include financial horror as well.
None other than Jamie Dimon (head of JP Morgan/Chase) is dropping "hints".    Bottom line, our economy is on an unsustainable spiral down, addicted and now overdosing on debt.   Default of inflation the only way forward as efforts to "kick the can down the road" lose their effectiveness.   The trend line is one of more and more "stimulus" required to achieve less and less "growth".   Volatility in markets _might_ provide an illusion for hope that they are capable of recovery.    Don't be fooled.
The coming drop in interest rates will be hailed for "stimulating the economy".    And it _might_ drive equities prices higher.   A lot higher as stock _prices_ reflects true inflation (the erosion of actual buying power)   But the truth remains, America is consuming far more than it is producing and in the end (or on the way to the end)... inflation cannot be tamed.    In fact, it is the "only way out" according to some who puzzle over how we can afford to continue rolling interest payments over on the non-repayable national debt.
My best guess?   A developing "hyper-inflation" will begin to appear next year - neither candidate for President able to do much about it.
"Newcomers" won't be _able_ to afford food.    Their NGOs won't be able to afford enough food.    Normal Americans will lose weight and experience even more malnutrition.
"Victory gardens"?     
Survival gardens.
And the willingness/ability to guard it from poaching.

"Stores of value"?   Maybe precious metals -IF their actual worth/liquidity is not confiscated by tyrants.
Heirloom seeds and good soil?    Truly priceless.
Grizz,  :lmfao: :thumbsUp:
General Discussion / Re: 10M Illegals In The Country With Winter Coming What Will Happen?
« Last post by grizz on September 12, 2024, 08:26:00 PM »
Maybe they'll start burning their own flags to keep warm  :dancingGrenade:
News & Politics / Re: Trump Blew It
« Last post by Sir John Honeybucket on September 12, 2024, 02:00:15 PM »
To me, the controlled media will serve their master. IF Trump had swept the floor with Harris, it would be so manipulated that we would not really see or hear about it.  Down the memory hole and the talebearers of the controlled media would weep bitter tears about how 'mean' he is.  God only know if this nation is to be wiped out, or saved.  I'll vote for President Trump, yes, but with corrupt elections, corrupt traitors currently in high positions of power, I wonder whether it IS indeed time for God to clean the slate of this once great nation and maybe some future generation might live freely on this same land.  Only God knows.

Do NOT think "it can never happen here.".  I've interviewed too many refugees from behind the Iron Curtain who thought the same thing. They had an America to escape to, usually at great personal risk; we do NOT have an America to escape to.  We live in our 'life boat' and if it sinks, we swim only as long as we are able.

Yes, the 'normalcy bias' is too comforting a phrase for the rejection of even basic preps, as our grandparents would have called a normal pantry. I see it on ham radio forums, when the question arises of the usefulness of radio during a grid down or other situation and while some respond with ideas, many simply blither on about "doomsday preppers", tin foil, orange vests and say things like "in a nuke attack we are all going to die , so why prep ?" and more.  I find it interesting that finding the TV watchers in the mob is very easy , by their canned phraseology.

However, does it hurt my wife and I to have a small, but productive garden ?  We home can the excess harvest (it's delicious), we pressure can beef, usually in ginger garlic paste with sliced onions and etc. ( again, REALLY delicious) and if we loose power to the refrigeration, we plan to just pressure can all of the rest - after a huge feast!

To me, anyone who is so fearful that they can't even listen to a discussion of a just-in-case scenario is showing symnptoms of their own internal phobias, not in keeping with healthy living. 

As for food preps, if we are totally wrong and the food chain continues as is, we can always eat our 'mistakes'. The burritos we made two weeks ago, using our garden peppers, pressure canned ground beef and etc. we deliciour, whether the power is on or off.

Remember, fearful people are dangerous people.

Enjoy life, have a good garden and pantry and occasionally go fishing with grand kids. If this is weird to lefties, let it be so.

Sir John Honeybucket
remember, ya' have your children that may come around when the SHTF.  ;)
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