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There are a ton of people out there who have no Presious Metals and they all say the same thing. "You can't eat Gold or Silver". They are absolutely right. What they are missing is that you can't buy a house or car with 100 ham sandwiches. The whole point, as JohnyMac pointed out is that there is a place in prepping for precious metals. Some of us, that would be me, are not only holding Silver. I'm holding old pre-1982 copper pennies and other base metals. When the paper dollar becomes totally worthless, then the Copper and Nickel coins will still have some value. Even the lead and brass ammo will be as good as money. As time goes on and people lean more and more toward precious metals, there will be more and more counterfeit coins and bars. The Chinese are ripping off millions of people with Silver and Gold coated junk. If you don't know for sure what you are buying, then don't buy it. I personally have 3 good methods for testing my Silver coins. The Magnet slide, Weighing, and the Ping Test.
"Even gold will eventually become worthless as people refuse to trade food for gold.
And then lead will be at its highest value until that is used up.
Then it will be a matter of skill sets and respect for each other and working together - The meek shall inherit the earth"

I don't believe gold and silver will go away as means of exchange - but their values in weight per coin or bar could be an issue.    I have a couple of bars but most is in coins, both "dollars", "maples" and "junk".
And if one can survive the initial crash, then yes... skill sets will trump all.    Skills at avoiding conflict, skills for surviving those conflicts that can't be avoided and then the humdrum skills of daily living in a world without power tools or Amazon Prime.
   My watch words are: Survivability, Sustainability, Community.    And if that describes meek, count me in.

You're in  :bravo:
I have a prepping friend who does not own a coin of any PM. His philosophy is, "you can't eat PM's". Like everything in life, moderation should be the goal.

PM's have a spot in your preps along with bullets, beans, and band-aides. The amount you have on hand is what works best for you. Remember, you use silver for everyday things and gold for big things like, a tractor, horse, cow, land, vehicle, etc.

In closing, I purchased some PM's AFTER I had the first 3-B's taken care of. Been working on the 4th 'B' (Bible) for ever it seems.  ;)
"Even gold will eventually become worthless as people refuse to trade food for gold.
And then lead will be at its highest value until that is used up.
Then it will be a matter of skill sets and respect for each other and working together - The meek shall inherit the earth"

I don't believe gold and silver will go away as means of exchange - but their values in weight per coin or bar could be an issue.    I have a couple of bars but most is in coins, both "dollars", "maples" and "junk".
And if one can survive the initial crash, then yes... skill sets will trump all.    Skills at avoiding conflict, skills for surviving those conflicts that can't be avoided and then the humdrum skills of daily living in a world without power tools or Amazon Prime.
   My watch words are: Survivability, Sustainability, Community.     And if that describes meek, count me in.
While I don't like BRICS, I do think that I'm going to personally like the outcome. It eventually had to happen that GOLD and SILVER need to become true money again. This FIAT bullshit has to stop before the whole world becomes the Weimar Republic. My only regret is that I didn't buy more Silver when it was $15 and ounce. I would love to say that I bought 10,000 ounces but that would be a lie. I will say that I did buy more than 100 ounces. When measured against the general public, I'm at least 100 times better off than they are because most people had their head up their butts and didn't buy any at all. When the SHTF, my cash stash will quickly deplete, and I'll have to move into using my Silver to survive.

With all due respect, I dont see the value in silver as much as food, water, lead (and related products), knowledge and a variety of skill sets that do not include the use of electricity. And as someone who has never studied silver or have the ability to tell real from fake, or the ability to make use of it, I could easily be fooled or cheated.

Even gold will eventually become worthless as people refuse to trade food for gold.
And then lead will be at its highest value until that is used up.
Then it will be a matter of skill sets and respect for each other and working together - The meek shall inherit the earth

Its a cycle that cannot be broken and the few that realize this will be the few who survive it, hopefully...
General Discussion / Re: 2A SCOTUS Decison
« Last post by grizz on Today at 12:58:06 PM »
I wonder how many people remember that the bump stock ban was Trump's....

How many remember that he also never signed anything to make things worse for the 2A? Or how the price of everything was much less under his administration? Or how the United States was energy independent for the first time ever? Or how he got the wall started? Or that he had this Country on such a fantastic path that the china virus had to be released to suppress "The People"?

Trump signing the bump stock law pissed me off just like Reagan signing the assault weapons ban (brady bill) back in the 80's and creating the education funding dept (I dont remember what they are called at the moment). None of them are perfect
Comm Discussion / Re: UV-5R and Accessories
« Last post by Searchboss on Today at 10:56:46 AM »
Jackalope, I can?t say that I disagree with either of your comments about ?putting lipstick on a pig? and ?helping the enemy?. The UV-5R is not my primary radio, although it is one of my favorites.

I would much rather buy American if I can, and if I find an American-made radio with similar capabilities at a comparable price point, I will certainly buy it, probably several. I think most Americans would. Unfortunately, I have not found this yet. America does not seem to be a competitor in this market anymore. I would much rather spend ~$30 on a chinese ?disposable? or giveaway radio to obtain the capability it affords than not have that capability when needed due to pride and the much higher cost of buying an American-made radio that is not affordable for many people. This is a sad situation.

I do appreciate your suggestions about the AR-152 and the UV-9R Pro. I had looked at the AR-152 before and decided not to go that route at this time due to cost and the larger and heavier package, but I do like what I saw. I had not heard about the UV-9R Pro before. I just looked at the marketing material on it and it looks like a viable alternative to the UV-5R. I will probably buy one to evaluate soon thanks to your suggestion.  :thumbsUp:
General Discussion / Re: 2A SCOTUS Decison
« Last post by Nemo on Today at 10:14:14 AM »
Monday morning 1000 be sure to be watching, listening or however receiving info from a major news source.

Fox and CNN both watch the clock for this.

It will take <5 minutes for the first decision to come out, if any are.  Then the rest over the next 10-15 minutes, if any more.  Likely no more than 3. 

Look for Rahimi and Vanderstok.  Those are the 2A cases left.


General Discussion / Re: 2A SCOTUS Decison
« Last post by Nemo on Today at 10:09:53 AM »
I wonder how many people remember that the bump stock ban was Trump's....

I suspect many do.  But I also hope he knows better now.

Comm Discussion / Re: UV-5R and Accessories
« Last post by Jackalope on Today at 07:10:56 AM »
     I'm not a fan of the UV-5R either.  I worked with the 5R's regularly, we typically had a 10% annual failure rate.  Yup, you can accessorize them, and they're inexpensive, but all you're doing is putting lipstick on a pig.

    There are better Baofengs, like the AR-152, or UV-9R Pro, and they don't cost that much more.  But at the end of the day, each Baofeng you purchase is helping the enemy.   

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