Communications > Radio

MFJ is Closing!

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Martin Jue has decided to close shop later this summer.  Hopefully, he'll find buyers for all the companies that he has acquired over the past 50+ years.  Supposedly, they are ceasing production on May 17th.  That's going to leave a mighty big hole in the amateur radio world!

Et all, looking for a linear amp in the 500-1000 watt area.  ;)

Well, here I go sticking my nose right where it doesn't belong. I've never been into Amps unless I wanted to beef up a weak 2 meter or 440 rig. Years ago, I did the math on what it takes to get one more S unit on the other guy's radio. It took 3 db (double your power) to get 1/2 an S unit and another 3 db to get a full S unit. If you are running 100 watts, it will take 400 watts to get a 1 S unit increase on the other guy's radio. It will take 1600 watts to get a 2 S unit increase. I'm going to suggest you hunt for something around 500 watts and run it at about 400 watts so it will last a long life. There, I've meddled in your business long enough. :faint:

I've found that an amp allows the NCS to usually copy me on the ERIN net.  Otherwise, I'm down in the noise level.  I'm typically running 400-600 watts.  Working DX contests, I've found that firing up the amp usually results in a contact on the first call, without it, I've called for 30-40 minutes and not made contact.  So, there are times when it's a great tool.  It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

Jackalope, you are right on the money. When you first moved to TN, you were right at the noise level and it was difficult to copy. Lately, you seemed to get just above the noise level and my AGC suppresses the noise while you transmit and now, I hear you quite well. I figured that you improved your antenna system but now that you mentioned the amp, That explains it perfectly. Just getting 1 S unit above the noise makes all the difference in the world.


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