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I just watched a video of a British Doctor giving a narrative on a WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION publication that the WHO just posted. In the paper's title it stated that the JAB can cause Multiple Sclerosis. Hmmmm.... Multiple Sclerosis is an AUTO IMMUNE issue. Whoa.... Wait a minute. Auto Immune is some really nasty stuff whereby your body's immune system attacks things that it shouldn't. That means that your body attacks its own self and eventually kills you. Now, this wasn't mentioned in the paper but there is anothr horrible auto immune desease out there called Scleraderma and it is always fatal. My family Doctor's mother died of Scleraderma. OK everybody put on their tinfoil hats because I'm going to give my opinion of this whole COVID thing. It was a man made desease that was intended to kill off most of the world's population and the vaccine was the last nail in the coffin in order to make sure the kill off would happen. I refused to have anything to do with the vaccine and I took my chances. OK, I eventually caught it and had a medium bad case of it. At no time while I had it did I feel that I could or would die from it. I'm going to suggest that if you took the JAB, you might want to ask your Doctor to keep an eye out for any symptoms of auto immune issues when you go in for your check ups.

All good points PKv.

I went to the Dr. the other day for my 6-month visit. The tech after doing the usual blood pressure, O2 test, pulse, etc. asked me the normal questions. One of which was, "have you had the Covid-19 vaccination?" My response was, "I refuse to answer that question". She looked at me, sighed, and said, "Its a pretty simple yes or no question John."

I replied, "I do not remember". She rolled her eyes and left the room.

I will not play this stupid Covid-19 game. Whey are they still inquiring as to if I took the jab or did not take the jab?


--- Quote from: JohnyMac on June 04, 2023, 08:03:36 AM ---Whey are they still inquiring as to if I took the jab or did not take the jab?

--- End quote ---

Because they're making a list, and checking it twice!  ;)

An "early adopter", I dealt with the man-made disease in june the first year.   It was an "interesting" illness unlike any experienced before - and my symptoms were both somewhat atypical _and_ they came one after another sequentially.   Long story short - my sense of smell was destroyed, has never recovered, only residual capability, occasionally.   to me, this spells NERVE DAMAGE.
But even then, I was wary of the pressure to "vaccinate".   
Next year, I contracted it again while traveling and seemed to recover more quickly.    However, since that time, I noticed less vim and vigor, attributed it to "ageing".    But then, last December things came to a head, noticing weird changes to my pulse and "recovery time" when exercising.   Long story short again - was found that my heart chambers were arguing over who was supposed to follow who.   Statins very icky, not much help.   Am scheduled for ablation in a little over two weeks.    I've always had a strong heart, the blood pressure of a young man and quick recovery - until now.    Is this a manifestation of more nerve damage caused by the virus?
Not only do the medicos continue to "offer" the vaccine and inquire of your status there but they _absolutely refuse_ to entertain any discussion or speculation regarding the topic.
But bet me... the cardiologist who will be performing my "procedure" has seen a spike in such problems.   A neighbor has a running partner (in her 30s) who contracted Covid and had to have an ablation plus keep taking statins!    30 years old!    A runner!
Nuremberg and the gallows is all I can think of at this point.

Kind of like Santa Claus FF.


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