Author Topic: NIB - AUG 23  (Read 276 times)

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NIB - AUG 23
« on: August 23, 2024, 09:02:54 PM »
QST QST E-WARN Brief To Follow



    (1) SCHUMER OUTLINES POLICIES IN A DEM SWEEP: In a speech at the Democratic National Convention and then in a follow-up interview, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) outlined an aggressive policy platform if Democrats manage to keep the White House, retake the House and keep the Senate.

        Schumer predicted Democrats would expand their Senate majority in November, and vowed to eliminate the Senate filibuster to push through a host of programs including:

            Price controls for housing and prescription drugs

            Expanding the child tax credit

            Supporting the proposed

            Reforming the Supreme Court, including possible term limits

            ?Getting rid of Citizens United?

            Looking at reapportioning state voting districts (e.g., 53% of Wisconsin voted for Biden but Democrats only control 35% of the state legislature)

            Passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Bill

            Passing a law to overturn the Supreme Court?s reversal of Roe v. Wade



    (2) COMMODITIES SLOWDOWN HITS U.S. AGRICULTURE: A slew of farm machine companies, including John Deere, recently announced layoffs in Iowa. Agricultural economists blame a slowdown in new purchases on a drop in commodities prices and farm income, along with higher interest rates.

    (3) CEO: OIL & GAS EXPANSION NEEDS MORE THAN TRUMP: The CEO of Enbridge, a Canada-based oil pipeline company, said that infrastructure, permitting, and legislative challenges would hamper a potential Trump administration?s ability to expand oil and gas production.


    (4) MSC PLANS TO SIDELINE 13% OF THEIR FLEET: The Military Sealift Command (MSC) plans to sideline 17 ships of their 125-ship fleet due to manning. The goal is to move the crews of those 17 ships onto shore and other ships to rebalance the sea-shore rotation.

        The Military Sealift Command is awaiting the Chief of Naval Operations? approval.

        Why It Matters: The MSC carries out critical missions such as underway replenishment, cable laying and repair, hospital ships, and submarine and special warfare support. All of these missions are potentially threatened with increased reliance on less capable allies or forfeiting mission areas with few ships like the hospital ships. - J.V.

    (5) Global Rollup

        The U.S. and India signed a Status of Supply Arrangement to provide each other with critical national defense resources, including buying industrial resources from each other to alleviate supply chain disruptions. The U.S. has similar arrangements with its closest regional allies, such as the U.K., Japan, Australia, and Canada.

Upcoming Protest Events (Next 72 Hours)

AUGUST 23, 2024

Los Angeles, CA
Activity: Pack the court for Ate Eufemia and other North Lake Tenants as they fight their eviction cases
Location: 111 N Hill St, Los Angeles, CA
Time: 0800; Friday, Aug 23

San Jose, CA
Activity: Peace Vigil - Ceasefire Now Rally
Location: MLK Library, 4th and San Fernando, San Jose, CA
Time: 1700; Friday, Aug 23

San Mateo, CA
Activity: Protest for Palestine outside of US Rep. Mullins Office
Location: 1528 El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA
Time: 0900; Friday, Aug 23

San Pedro, CA
Activity: Free Palestine Rally
Location: 13th and Gaffey St, San Pedro, CA
Time: 1900; Friday, Aug 23

Averne, NY
Activity: Ceasefire Rally
Location: 67-12 Rockaway Beach Blvd, Averne, NY
Time: 0900; Friday, Aug 23

AUGUST 24, 2024

San Diego, CA
Activity: Free Palestine Rally
Location: Sunset Cliffs Blvd and W Point Loma Blvd, San Diego, CA
Time: 1200; Saturday, Aug 24

AUGUST 25, 2024

Redondo Beach, CA
Activity: Ceasefire Now Rally
Location: 1815 Hawthorne Blvd, Redondo Beach, CA
Time: 1300; Sunday, Aug 25

Seattle, WA
Activity: Palestinian Youth Movement organizes Take the Streets for Palestine
Location: Westlake Park, Seattle, WA
Time: 1300; Sunday, Aug 25

To learn More Visit
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