Author Topic: The Politics of Economic Collapse.  (Read 728 times)

Offline pkveazey

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The Politics of Economic Collapse.
« on: July 11, 2024, 12:55:00 AM »
Each of us have our own idea of what will happen when our economy collapses. My perspective on this is, it doesn't matter who wins the election. No matter who wins, they will not be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. The whole world is out there buying up all the Gold and Silver and telling the Dumb Masses (Dumbasses) that buying Gold and Silver is a bad idea. Well, when BRICS forces everyone to back their money with Gold and Silver, we're going to be standing there holding our, shall we say manhood, and wondering what the Hell just happened. I'm not going to rule out a shooting war, but I think there will be a monetary or economic war. This country will be slammed into massive poverty and those who ignored the warning signs will starve. Having a plan is good but that plan will have to include dealing with fluid situations where plans will have to modified and turn on a dime. Even though I have a long-term plan by prepping, I recognize that I'm also going to have to go back into my way of moment to moment managing things like I did when I was working a day job. The oddest thing that worries me the most is Sleep. Yep, when do I get a chance to sleep when every moment will have to have someone standing guard. Since my MAG is my neighborhood, I guess we'll have at least one household member be on guard at all times. Since all MAG members will have our 2 way Radios turned on 24/7, we will at least have enough time to put our pants on and grab our protection sticks. Politicians will not save us. They will talk a good game, but they will do nothing more than take advantage of every opportunity they see that benefits them. Wake up and smell the horse manure.

Offline Sir John Honeybucket

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Re: The Politics of Economic Collapse.
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2024, 10:29:36 AM »
Post collapse, my biggest desire of government is that they stay out of the way: which is unlikely. Governments, historically to steal from country people to feed their political rent-a-mob in the cities. We live on The Chesapeake Bay and frankly, there is a lot of food out there, transportation by water (sail and rowing) and etc. Like many people, we just want to be left alone. Like most Southerners, we have long memories of when we said the same thing and were invaded for it.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 10:37:42 AM by Sir John Honeybucket »
Prepper or Survivalist ?

A Prepper keeps survival rations for his pets.

A Survivalist  keeps pets as survival rations.

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: The Politics of Economic Collapse.
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2024, 04:56:40 PM »
Read the attached article about the US debt interest. Only going to get worse. Both parties spend with drunken abandon.

Offline Felix

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Re: The Politics of Economic Collapse.
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2024, 06:19:01 PM »
A large portion of voters are now on, or looking to access Social Security (and Medicare).
It is the primary source of income for a large number in that cohort.
IF Congress fails to pace COLAS with inflation (never mind actually reduce benefits), the repercussions will be...?

I fear another lab leak or the like - with government state and federal mandates killing off the old folks far more efficiently than putting COVID carriers in rest homes.   
The old folks will never go along without a voting fight you say?
Do tell, what was your impression of the midnight Presidential switcheroo that put Biden in the White House after Trump showed lead until 6 () states ALL shut down counting at the same time ???

And of course, there is always the failsafe "WAR", attendant emergency and the suspension of pretending to operate Constitutionally.

Real security lies in self-sufficiency, not any form of dependence on a corrupt government that would be highly pleased to see swaths of it age classes wiped from the balance sheet.

Offline Deathstyle

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Re: The Politics of Economic Collapse.
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2024, 11:22:36 PM »
Any civil conflict will be rural vs urban more than any other factor.

Used Glocks are just as reliable as new Glocks but cheaper if any plans to stock up to acquire $2.5k gold coin for a $400 pistol

Best case scenario, the US ends up struggling like modern South Africa for a generation. And many of us that know the truth of how it really is over there knows it ain?t fun no matter what demographic you fall under. Racially, economically, etc, everyone is suffering in one way or another
"Blackouts are God's way of saying, 'Don't worry 'bout it".

Offline Deathstyle

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Re: The Politics of Economic Collapse.
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2024, 11:25:09 PM »
Silver lining: Unemployed male friends/family = round the clock armed security for those that house him while he gets back on his feet
"Blackouts are God's way of saying, 'Don't worry 'bout it".

Offline Felix

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Re: The Politics of Economic Collapse.
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2024, 08:26:08 AM »
"Have empty rice bowl and gun - Will travel"

MAGS to include low-rent mercenaries for enhanced security?
Economic refugee ronin?


Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Politics of Economic Collapse.
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2024, 09:51:17 AM »
Ah yes Felix, Ronin.  :thumbsUp:

Thank you PKv for starting this post.

Everything happens, good and bad, due to economics. Economics and power, however, power is a off-shoot of economics.

For years with the exception of acts of God, e.g. hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, volcano eruptions, etc. the catalyst of change will be economic. This is true for a family, a country, or the globe.

Stay tuned.

A good friend from Rhode Island lost his job do to down sizing. Yes he was bummed and to be quite honest scared. He had a wife and two small children.

Our friends turned their fear into a renewed faith in God. The husband let all of his business acquaintances know that he had lost his job and was on the market. His wife had not worked in years. She called an old employer and was hired in a manufacturing plant immediately. They ate from their prepping pantry and only spent money in the grocery store for basics, milk, eggs, etc.

With the wife working, the networking started to pay off with an offer for a job about a month after the lay-off. The job was for less money than his older job and it was less desirable so husband and wife decided that things were okay and to continue looking for a better opportunity.

Long story short, he did land a job similar to the old job with better pay and closer to his interests. The wife kept working at the manufacturing plant but took part-time instead of full time. All n' all, it all worked out. It worked out because,

> Don't stress out. Give the stress/fear to the good Lord to manage.
> They were a team and approached the challenge as nothing more than a hic-cup in the road. 
> Wife had not burned any bridges when she left her job to care for her family years before. She was also a great
> For the most part, they lived off their preps while the money that came in from the wife's pay plus saving's went
   to utilities, fuel, and mortgage.
> Because of their belief in the Lord, preps, and teamwork, stress was low.
> By the way, my friend never applied for unemployment.

How much would stress go down if we all had one year's worth of food in the pantry and their was an economic collapse? Add to that some money in saving's or some things to barter? 


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