Author Topic: The Holy Trinity Of Fascism - Big Business, Government, Unions  (Read 379 times)

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The Holy Trinity Of Fascism - Big Business, Government, Unions

fasc•ism făsh′ĭz″əm

n.   A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to
        stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism
        and racism.

n.   A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

As shown in my above diagram fascism is successful with the support three major groups, Big Business, Unions, and Government. Not unlike the holy trinity that makes fire. To make fire you need, fuel, oxygen, and heat. To eliminate one of these components you will not have fire.

For two years now I have been preaching of the coming of, The Great Reset. Well, it is clear as my large nose we are assembling the components to build not a fire but fascism.

The first component of American Fascism was to make sure that President Trump did not re-win the White House. The second part of that equation was to make sure that the new resident of the White House was a man or woman that could be easily manipulated.

The next component was to have the muscles to control the bourgeoisie and proletariat class in America. They accomplished this through the hype of a bad cold with less than .3% mortality rate along with Antifa, BurnLootMurder Inc., pitting the us against each other and of course the labor unions. Just look at the teacher's union in many Progressive cities where they refuse to go back to school, doing their jobs. The unions are the goons or Brown Shirts of today.

The last component is big business. Big Business is now coming together to form the last part of the Fascist Trilogy. This Saturday there was a Zoom call with 100 top executives from around the country who met to discuss the stopping of states like Georgia, from revamping their voting laws before the 2022 election.

Although not all of the business leaders have been named at the time of this writing here is a sampling; Delta, American, United, Starbucks, Target, LinkedIn, Levi Strauss and Boston Consulting Group, American Express, AMC Entertainment, Estee Lauder, Merck — and Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank, and a co-founder of Home Depot.

Certainly not a leading conservative supporter here is an article written by Mary Papenfuss over at the HUFFPOST titled, 100 Business Leaders Discuss Plans For Attack On GOP Vote Suppression Laws. There are a dozen articles about this meeting on the interwize this morning, so I encourage you to do your own surfing or research.

If you get it and concur with my featured diagram and thesis, please do me two favors,

1) Copy & past this post and share it with your friends and on social media, and
2) Try and get a list of all the 100 companies that attended that Zoom meeting. Once you have that list, post them here,
    in this thread.

The reason being, you can do something to break the Fascist Trilogy not unlike eliminating one of the components of fire.

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