Unchained Preppers

General Category => News & Politics => Topic started by: JohnyMac on December 27, 2023, 10:24:19 PM

Title: NY Prepper Update
Post by: JohnyMac on December 27, 2023, 10:24:19 PM
I typically do not post things from NY Prepper, however, it is worth your time to listen to. 15-min long.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=9V-Tf5H8Chg&si=zusi7XAUTZRMNQNv (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=9V-Tf5H8Chg&si=zusi7XAUTZRMNQNv)
Title: Re: NY Prepper Update
Post by: Felix on December 28, 2023, 09:02:13 AM
Whether by design or reckless hubris, the chances of seeing a tranquil 2024 seem to shrink with every bit of news these days ... (BTW, have our "news services" told you much about "The nation?s second largest title insurer, First American" being hacked, with nationwide closings along with their funds in escrow being down for OVER A WEEK now?)   Their own press statement saying they are working on it and will be back "as soon as possible".
But I digress...
IF one aim of the Criminals currently "serving" us is to instigate further violence among Americans as a means to justify further loss of freedoms, I'd like gung-ho battle-rattle preppers to consider this:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF-enCLxmKo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF-enCLxmKo)

Logistics.    That is a huge value of prepping in my view.   Descent into chaos or tyranny leaves only hope of coming out the other side OK is to outlast the bastards, perhaps contribute to supporting those able to administer a pin prick here and there.    "The Dirty War", the long Irish struggle provides insights (and perspective on the years of struggle that must be dealt with, survived)
If 2024 proves an undeniable Winter for our culture, let us be the seeds that persist for regrowth when some distant Spring finally arrives.    God, family, country and corollary, security, sustainability, community.
Title: Re: NY Prepper Update
Post by: JohnyMac on December 28, 2023, 10:04:45 AM
Ahhh Felix you point out Martin Dillon's Dirty War (https://www.amazon.com/Dirty-War-Martin-Dillon-1991-11-21/dp/B0182Q5M9M/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2YIHEEVE4JFOR&keywords=martin+dillon+%22Dirty+War%22&qid=1703775225&sprefix=martin+dillon+dirty+war+%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1). Matt Bracken believes that this novel is one of the top 5 guerrilla text books a prepper should own.

As you hear in the above video, even our President is building a bunker. This does not give me a feeling that all is well.

What will the neocons do if they come to the realization that they will loose and maybe end up in jail? End up at the bottom of a rope? All the tools are in place to bring the crap down across the country. It just takes one man or women to pull the pin.

Going off the reservation here...Has anybody noticed that all the pro-Palestinian protests are happening in a city? Did anybody notice that the "peaceful protests" of 2020 happened in cities? If you haven't already done so, maybe it would be a good time to move out of the city.

Title: Re: NY Prepper Update
Post by: Nemo on December 28, 2023, 11:51:37 AM
As you hear in the above video, even our President is building a bunker. This does not give me a feeling that all is well.

Remember the Greenbrier in WV?

The govt had one that was outed a while back.  I am sure there are several others for him in other locations.  Do some digging about Mount Weather near the middle of the woods VA.  Its about 50 miles pretty much due west of DC.

(yes there are part of VA that close to DC that is still the middle of the woods)

I have reliable reports it is bigger underground than above.


https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mt+Weather+Emergency+Operations+Center,+VA+20135/ (https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mt+Weather+Emergency+Operations+Center,+VA+20135/)
Title: Re: NY Prepper Update
Post by: pkveazey on December 28, 2023, 01:17:58 PM
Nemo, there is another super secret location about 20 to 30 miles southwest of that location. When you drive North beside it, there is about a 5 mile chain link fence along the east side of the road. They gave it some BS name that indicates that it's a government education and training center. I drove past it one time and it didn't take long to figure out what it was.
Title: Re: NY Prepper Update
Post by: Nemo on December 28, 2023, 03:55:18 PM
Thats Warrenton Training Center.  IIRC that one is considered site A.   There are several branches of that in the area.  I am confident most of them are tunnel connected.

One near Culpeper VA (site D) was reportedly a launch site for Nike anti-icbm missle launch base many years ago.  The Nike (Ajax) was initially line of sight for anti-aircraft launches but it then developed substantially.   It reportedly became more intended for intercepting sub launches from the south Atlantic area.

Now its for radio/cell/electronic signal monitoring and recording.   If you get to the DC area it likely your RFID shield is not enough.
