While we are discussing the DFing of stray signals from our radios, remember tha the radio environmenvt in a grid up situation is FILLED with stray RF, often quite strong. The referenc crystals in our various gadgets, RF generated from power supplies and wall warts and more, make ths type of incidental ly radiated signals quite difficult, far more difficult than hunting an actual transmitted signal. Also, If you transmit in a denied area, assume that airborne assets are being use to vacuum-up the radio spectrum and analyzing the colocation data and etc. using intense computer power. The days of a couple of guys, driving around in a van with a 'thing' on top, well, that is long gone. Aircraft, including extremely high altitude balloons can exploit a lot of radio and optical intel. If you set-up in a remote area in Nebraska with a population density of 5 people per mile., make your sked and then pack and leave, you're as likely to be SEEN by surveillance as heard, and likely the two events are immediately collated by the enemy. If you carry a cellphone, car has OnStar, BlueTooth on your sound system and etc. all collated. On the other hand, transmitting from a city like NYC gives you 29,000 people per square mile(a), a very difficult task to sift it all. So, ideally, I'd recommend rural for receiving if possible and city for transmitting, if possible. Hide in the clutter.
= Sir John Honeybucket
(a) Prague has a population density of rougly 1.3 million people per square mile.