Off Topic/ B.S. > Entertainment Media

fuck youtube

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you know, I always take guys like Alex Jones with a grain of salt, especially when they talk about how youtube is censoring them and erasing their view-counters... dude, somehow my channel views went from seven-hundred-something to 27... wtf. I really couldn't care less about it, but what bothers me is that someone's fucking with my YT channel. I don't care if it says I have 0 views or 5,000,000 views, as long as the number is true.

this ever happen to any of you?

southern patriot:
I havnt even been able to log on the past keeps sending me to a blank white page.

I don't know about the tin foil hat stuff, but very strange and weird stuff does happen on youtube all the time.  Some times I'm sure its not by accident.

Youtube is like Facebook. They always change their crap half a dozen times each year and nothing really good comes out of it. It wouldn't surprise me if it was just a bunch of errors in the system.

   Like I was telling one of you guys on ICQ, it's Big Sis, Google and Coke all working together to bring us down. I mean think about it "New Coke", "Coke Zero" like that's not code for fluoride infused beverage. Youtube fucks with me all the time, sometimes I can't log in, sometimes its the black box and you guys ever log in and they ask for your cell number saying your accounts not secure without it or some shit like that?


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