Off Topic/ B.S. > Entertainment Media

Amerigeddon Movie Review


Just watched a good movie, not great but good. The movie was called "Amerigeddon" (Yes, the spelling is correct).

In essence the United Nation's takes over the USA via the help of the corrupt folks within the DC loop and an EMP. The movie is a bit Jingoistic in it's approach to the circumstances but that is ok. It is on Prime for free, with a few commercials. Enjoy.  :thumbsUp:

Looks interesting.


I'll look into it, thanks

I remember when it first came out on DVD.  The participation by Alex Jones was a nice touch.

Alex Jones.  :lmfao: :cheers: Yes that was a surprise for sure. Anyway, although not on the same level of "Saving Private Ryan" or "Last of the Mohicans", it was a fun basic pro USA movie at the beginning of a grid down situation.

Worth your time on a dreary Saturday afternoon for sure.  :thumbsUp:


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