Author Topic: The Problem Eliminators! (Write up and sample chapters, please enjoy)  (Read 1370 times)

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The Problem Eliminators! ? 2012 by Steve Nelson
Over 33,000 words of Action & Adventure plus Tons of Exciting pics! Now available for easy download as an ebook at: SMASHWORDS.COM
Welcome aboard! Now you can enjoy hunting Drug Lords & Pirates, and  CIA goons with The Problem Eliminators! *Read 20% FREE at Smashwords!  And see my nice slideshow:
The Problem Eliminators!

*Now available also at Barnes & Noble

** On sale for 50% off thru the month of July 2013 at:

Here is a brief sample, please enjoy this: (Comprising chapters 6,7 & 8 minus most of the exciting pics)

Chapter 6   A New Target
While I was out the Captain received a new communication from his secret source in the Pentagram.  Not one of us knew who the secret source of the Captain was.  He never talked about his source and we never asked.  We all believed in our Captain and just left it at that. We knew our Captain was good, honest and smart.  He would never take on a mission without verifying every item of the job to the smallest detail.  Some of us did speculate however, that the Captains secret source might just be none other than Admiral Spiner.  His wife of 35 years had been killed in a drive by shooting only a few years ago.
We never pulled the trigger on even the scummiest drug dealer, unless our Captain knew, and we knew, that that individual needed eliminating.  If the drug dealers henchmen got in the way, that was just tough.  We always try our very best to minimize the danger to anyone innocently caught in the crossfire.
When I awakened some 8 hours later, I found we were on course for a new assignment.  The Barracuda was proceeding on a southerly course that would take us near Cuba, but ultimately onward toward the coast of South America, the Yucatan Peninsula to be exact.
When I awoke the good Doctor notified the Captain, and in short order I got a call to come to the ward room.  Arriving in the ward room, I found all key department heads already there.
?Glad you could join us Mr. Wilson,? said the Captain.
?Happy to be here Sir and among the living,? I responded.
?Splendid, splendid, take a seat then won?t you,? he replied.
The Captain had been making small talk and waiting for my arrival to begin his briefing.  As I took my seat, he pointed at a map pinned to the wall.
?The place where we are going gentlemen is a little known country on the tip of the Yucatan Peninsula called El Matador.  This country is so well unknown in today?s world that even animal rights? groups don?t even know about it.  So they actually have bull fights.  But we?re not going there for the bull fights.  We?re going there for one American Ambassador by the name of, Arnold Icky.?
By the way, to all my readers let me say that I personally favor a Ruger22 with silencer for most of the jobs I have been on. That?s also the same weapon the CIA goons use. If you know how to handle it, one weapon and one bullet is all you need to take down any two or four legged animal. Now back to my story.
A face was pinned below the map and the Captain pointed to it. ?We may also run into some of his CIA henchmen.  You can all have open season on them.?
Next to the Ambassadors ugly mug was another even uglier face, and the Captain pointed to that one as well and said,
?And if we can get him too, General El Frito.  The General is the drug kingpin for this whole area.  Responsible for bringing in hundreds of tons of drugs of all types each year to the United States.
Ambassador Icky is believed to be on his payroll or vice versa.  As you all know, without the Phony war on drugs, Ambassador Icky would have to look for some other crooked line of work, and we could all be living a quieter existence as well.  But the situation is what it is, and we are going to check this out thoroughly, before we make any move.  The Embassy compound is right on the coast near these overhanging cliffs.?
The Captain pointed to another picture pinned next to El Frito.  The picture showed the picturesque postcard look of a fancy Hacienda with massive overhanging cliffs behind it.  The next picture pinned to that one was a layout of the Embassy grounds and known security measures.
?This is the Embassy and grounds.  You all have a packet of info that includes all of this.  I want a plan developed for close-up surveillance and if necessary elimination of these two thugs within the next 6 hours.  Get to it gentlemen.?
We all got to our feet at once and moved out to get our plans made. I went to my cabin and opened my packet of info about this job.  In my packet I also found detailed images and figures for the surrounding water inlets.  Depths, tides and shore features with known installations.  I also found handy there in my packet, the schedules for the Marine guards at the Embassy, and the current compliment of troopers, right down to each mans service record. Unless they were in on the drug business, the Marines were not our targets.  We would have to get in close and make that determination.  I made notes and formulated a few ideas for about 2 hours.  Then I made the rounds and conferred with my colleagues for another hour.
Soon we had a plan that we felt sure the Captain would approve of, and we approached him with it.  The Captain took just 20 minutes to look at our proposed plan and endorsed it on the spot.  Then we got busy and prepared the equipment we?d need.  By the time the Barracuda would arrive offshore, we?d be ready!

Chapter 7   Recon Before Action
Upon arrival, The Barracuda settled in with the deck barely above water, just about one half mile off shore.
We embarked for the shore in the dark of night in 2 Zodiacs loaded with our equipment.
My team consisted of me and 4 other men, who would waylay the Marine guards and take their places, giving us access to the embassy compound.  We would thus be able to conduct close-up surveillance.  Then cleanup the situation, as it needed to be done.
The other team consisted of Henry Winkly, (a geologist and former Marine himself), plus 3 demolition men, (all former Navy Seals), plus their equipment and explosives.  Their jobs; scout the cliffs, set charges and blow the cliffs when the word was given, burying the Embassy in a thousand tons of rock.
It took only minutes to cover the distance to shore in our Zodiacs. Henry and the demo men went around to the west to get up to those cliffs by morning.  My team landed and secreted our Zodiac in the jungle not far from a roadway leading to the compound.  The spot I had picked was just out of sight of the guard shack at the Embassy entrance.
The Barracuda submerged to periscope depth to monitor our progress and keep an eye on coastal water traffic.  It was known in the intelligence packet we had all received, that a pickup was to be made the following evening.  The Barracuda stood watch for this water bound prey, keeping the whole area under constant watch with all kinds of sophisticated detection hardware, which I can?t even begin to pronounce the names of.
My team waited for the relief guards to approach.  They were to begin their watch at 6am.  We were waiting and ready by 5:30.
With a quiet electric saw we felled a palm across the road, one that was already leaning in such a way as to seem to have just given way and fell naturally.
When the Marine guard jeep arrived and stopped.  They all got out to survey our tree laying across the road.  One Marine went to the winch attachment on the jeep automatically, thinking to get the order in a moment, to attach it to the tree.  At least he was thinking. But that?s when we struck!  We all took careful aim and fired our tranquilizer darts!
Sip! Sip! Sip! Sip!
It was over in less than a minute!  The Marines couldn?t even take one step or un-holster their sidearms.  They staggered and dropped.  We got to them quickly and verified that they were all out for at least the next 12 hours.
We carried their sleeping bodies into the bush.  Stripped their uniforms and changed into them, from our black wetsuits.  I took the uniform of a Captain.  He was a little shorter than me by an inch or so.  But I stretched into his uniform easily.  On close inspection it could be seen though, to be a little small.  When we were dressed and ready to go, I posted 1 man to remain here with the sleeping Marines.  We used that winch on the front of the jeep and moved the palm in a few moments.  Then we were off!
Approaching the guard shack we all pulled our caps down over our faces to put them in as much shadow as possible in the early morning light.  We all readied our tranquilizer guns.  We also had electric tazers, if necessary.
We slowed to a stop at the gate and a guard came out to examine us.  I fumbled with my pockets and dropped my ID card on the floor. We all made a fuss trying to get at it at the same time.  We looked like a bunch of clowns to the gate guard.  Two other guards came out to see what the fuss was all about.
Then we struck!  One dart to a man!  Sip!  Sip!  Sip!
They were all sprawled on the ground in moments.  We got out and moved their sleeping bodies into the back of the guard shack.  I posted another of our guys to guard the gate and watch over these Marines who were now sleeping like babies, and to keep up the appearance that everything was normal here at the gate.
We proceeded forward into the compound.  I and my 2 remaining men went immediately to the marine post near the embassy entrance.  There we came across another guard at attention at the entrance.  I moved to take his offered salute, but instead gave him a fast, Sip!  And he got a tranquilizer dart instead!
We went into the guard office and found a Marine actually getting to his feet and beginning to pull his sidearm!  One of my guys fired! Sip!  And that Marine went down in seconds, his sidearm halfway out of its previously snapped holster.  We moved both Marines off to the back of the front office for a nice sleep.
Next we got on the compound cameras.  Most of them weren?t working.  But we took a gander at the ones that did and checked what we could of the compound with them.  To our relief we found that the cameras monitoring the outer guard shack weren?t operating.  Good thing too, or we would have had to shoot our way in here.  We did not want that.
It looked like the only rooms currently occupied were the office of the Ambassador and the kitchen.  Icky was right there at his desk.  I sent the other two men off to check the kitchen and secure the rest of the place, while I went directly to Ambassador Icky?s office.
I knocked and announced myself as Captain Hansen, and I heard Icky?s squeaky voice say, ?Enter!?  Then when I did, he said before he looked up at me, ?What do you want now Captain??
I didn?t respond.  He looked up, and seeing that I was not Captain Hansen, he got a worried look on his face and was about to dive for a weapon in his desk drawer, but I fired first!
One, Sip!  Was all he took and he slumped to the floor beside his desk.  I came around the desk and found a panel of buttons.  I pushed the one marked ?SAFE,? and a wall panel slid open to reveal a nice big combination safe.  I pulled out my handy safe cracking tools and went to work.
I had the safe open in about 15 minutes.  Inside were 10 bundles of cash and 25 wrapped brick size, packages of cocaine.  I confiscated the cash for our finance officer to enjoy, and cut open the wrapped cocaine packages.  Opening the window to the Ambassadors office, which was on the second floor of this mansion, I calmly dumped them out onto the waiting bushes and lawn one at a time.
The 2 men I sent to the kitchen, returned with the tranquilized forms of a male cook and a female maid, slumped over their shoulders. They met me at the Ambassador?s Office.
?Where do you want these two, Dude?? asked one of my guys.
?Let?s see, put them in the front office with the Marine guards,? I said.  ?Then continue to search the rest of the premises and see that we have everyone,? I further ordered.
When I had finished with my coke dumping fun, I took a stroll over to the motor pool to see what kinds of transport we might have at our disposal.  There were 5 very expensive sports cars, 2 broken down jeeps, and a large flat bed truck.
I picked the truck with its extra large flat bed.  I hotwired the truck in about a minute, and drove it up in front of the Embassy, where I found my guys waiting.
?Front door service gentleman!  Please put our passengers aboard.?
?Right Dude!? one of my guys said.
I hopped out and helped with the lugging and loading our unconscious passengers.  (These were the Marine guards and the servants).  Lifting them, they were like heavy sacks of Idaho spuds! When our load was full, I parked the truck under the shade of a fluffy tree a little way around the side of the embassy.  The day was hot and almost cloudless.
Yes, Icky was indeed dirty!  I got on the scrambled radio and contacted The Barracuda.  I reported our findings to the Captain. In this communication, I also learned that Henry?s team had already planted their explosives and were on their way back to The Barracuda.  WOW!  That was fast, I thought.  They would be detonated remotely from the ship when I gave the word.  We set everything in order and took up positions at the Embassy entrance. Now we would wait for the General to arrive.  I hoped that the clod wouldn?t be long.

Chapter 8   Finishing the El Matador Job on Land
We didn?t have all that long to wait for the General.  In just over 1 hour, I was notified by our man at the front gate that the General was on his way in.  Our Marine guard at the gate stayed out of sight, and followed him in on foot.
The General and 1 driver drove up to the front door of the embassy in an old second hand jeep.
Yes, it looked like it had come from a second hand war surplus swap meet.  It featured, rusting fenders, broken windshield folded down, headlights long gone, (only dangling wires), and seats with garbage bag coverings.
The General himself was more resplendent in his medal festooned, but faded East German uniform.  It too looked like it was bought from a second hand Army surplus store.  His medals were shiny and bright with their ribbons.  And he had large gaudy Gold shoulder epaulets crookedly stitched on his East German uniform.  He was topped off with a military cap, loaded up with an entire sewing stores year end clearance stock, of gold leaf embroidery!
It took real effort to suppress my laughter!  I had to remember that this man was directly and indirectly responsible for many, many terrible deaths!  As well as Arnold Icky!
He got out of the jeep and came to the front door.  My guard at the door gave him a snappy salute and the general returned it with a sloppy lazy reply.  The General came in and I greeted him in the entry.
?Right this way General, the Ambassador is waiting to see you!?  I said with an excited air.
He grunted, snorted and followed me inside.  My guard at the door followed the General silently in.  The driver was left for our guys outside to deal with.  I headed down the hallway toward the stair case with the General following behind.  Halfway down the hallway, I heard a, Sip!  I turned just in time to see the General slump to the floor.  We checked his vitals and found him to be out cold.
Then, Bang!  A shot was heard outside.  I and my guard inside left the General where he lay in the hallway, and hustled outside.  The driver had a single shot through his head, and my guys were standing about.  One of my guys soon spoke up; ?Sorry Sir, he went for a gun in his holster, I had no choice.?
?Well, bring him inside and lay him by the General,? I said.
We left about an hour later.  But before we left, I checked the General for information, and I made a final sweep of the safe and the Ambassadors office and desk.  I gathered more than a dozen documents that looked important.  A lot of names of CIA agents were on them.  Then, out at the front entrance, we all piled in and on our commandeered truck, with the sleeping Marines and servants.  And we headed out to pick up our man by the felled palm.
We loaded up the sleeping Marines by the gate, on our way out. Then we left the truck and the whole bunch sleeping it off, a good safe distance from the Embassy.  When we arrived later to pick up our Zodiac, I called the ship and gave the word that we were all clear.
Not 10 seconds later, we were all thrown to the ground, as we were attempting to carry our Zodiac down to the beach.
KA-BOOM ! ! ! A Tremendous explosion cracked the air!  The whole face of the cliffs above the Embassy disappeared, and reformed into an immense pile of rubble covering the Embassy.
I grabbed my binoculars and watched the cloud of dust for several moments, then taking my place alongside the Zodiac once again.  I said to the guys as we carried our boat to the water?s edge, ?Well, there?s two more Problems Eliminated!? We all agreed a good day?s work had been done.
Steve Nelson1

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